(no subject)

Jul 21, 2010 19:29

I'm feeling a little fragile today hence why my pic is of a puppy. I thought it might help.

Yesterday I received several lovely surprises, a phonecall from the wonderful snuggly_llama, an unexpectedly early husband, and an early omylouse which meant a nice long sociable evening which was concluded with strawberries and vanilla ice cream.

Today I went to the Voyeurism exhibit at the Tate Modern. I'm glad I borrowed raygungothic's corporate membership card because I certainly didn't think it was worth the money I might otherwise have paid. I'm not going to go into detail in this post as I would like to think it through a bit more.

I'd been feeling quite pleased and lucky because my first trimester had gone pretty well. I'd had mild nausea and craving for salad. This trimester, reputed to be the easier one, is the one that is starting to be difficult. I'm far more tired and a couple of times, I have felt so under the weather that I couldn't go out. Also, as my pelvis shifts, my lower back is starting to ache quite a lot and it is very difficult to adjust my position so that it doesn't hurt. I now understand why pregnant women are often pictured with their hands on their backs. Sometimes that does help.

On the other hand, not many things are difficult and awful. Some are wonderful! I've been feeling flutters, but it wasn't until this weekend that raygungothic could feel them too. He could feel our baby moving! And, to me, that's worth the back pain. I've noticed patterns in the movements too; if I've been sitting for a while and then start to walk, small one kicks me in the spleen or somewhere like that at first and then settles down. So I know to just keep going.

Also, it is fascinating to be pregnant enough that other people notice, especially other women in the same condition. Today, I was waiting to cross the street and on the other side was a woman who was much further along than me, but she recognised my stance and my bump and we exchanged smiles and hellos as we passed each other. I can't put my finger on exactly what it was that made the encounter memorable, but there was something. In any case, it was a nice feeling.
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