Ice Dancing GOLD: Congrats to Tessa & Scott

Feb 23, 2010 03:35

They skated so well! They just went wild in the free dance, and a first North American gold is awesome! They kept on using Patrick Chan for advertising, even though after the short program, I doubted he'd win (he'd have to skate a spectacular/flawless free skate, or have almost everyone make mistakes like in the pairs). I don't think I saw much adverts for Tessa & Scott, which I think equaled to less pressure. But then again, they probably weren't aware of these adverts, and were just concentrating on their dances.

Congrats also to Whites & Davis (USA) and Domnina and Shabalin (Russia). My brother wanted to the Russian pair to win, but it just wasn't enough to catch up as they were in third before. Someone needed to throw a flag down to the Russian pair, as they were the only odd ones out without a flag (at least that was what my brother was insisting).

rl, vancouver, ontario, 2010 olympics, canada

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