Poem Dump ;)

Jun 26, 2007 17:41

I find it interesting that everybody reads my fanfic, but nobody reads my real fiction or poems. Ah, well, I post these mainly for my own benefit anyway. :)

Brought some poems. <3 This set was also written for school.


Went to sleep tonight
but the fire was still crackling loudly
in the dark living room.
Right outside my hose were three men,
all dressed in black,
approaching the door;
they broke inside.
They made noise but I stayed in my slumber;
I only saw them in my dreams

Blank Verse Poem

To the gods of poetry, I pray this prayer:
Writing a blank verse poem is not easy
It’s a good thing I like a challenge, isn’t it?
Lots of different rhythms; emphases, too
Repeat the words over and over again
TOday, ToDAY, HELlo, HellLO, oh my
Blank head, please fill with blank verse, please, thank you
So I can get this assignment done now

It Closes In

It closes in on me tonight
That feeling of despair
And I think to myself, this isn’t right

I know that you’re not there, not in my sight
Have the realization that you don’t care
It closes in on me tonight

I wish that I could be filled with light
That life could be fair
And I think to myself, this isn’t right

I spin around with desperate fright
And I wonder if you’d ever be there
It closes in on me tonight

Then, like in a dream or in something I’d write
You’re next to me; and your eyes, they stare
And I think to myself, this isn’t right

This is when I’ll turn my back on you in spite
So you can sense my pain; my heartbreak I’ll share
It closes in on me tonight
And I think to myself, this isn’t right


Light comes at me from all angles through the moonblinds of a window
Glowing from the lamp in the corner
Reflecting off the TV screen
Beaming at me, high and sophisticated, from the ceiling.
The room is bathed in yellow
Sunny, flourescent, highlighted
It makes me smile
And then I brighten up the room, too


I don’t understand
Why so many poems are about nature
The people I know abhor the dear mother Earth
Allergies, rainy days, mosquitoes
They’re definitely not appreciated
I roll my eyes when
My fellows read of nature and sigh with content
Saying, “Isn’t that beautiful?”
I want to respond that it wasn’t so beautiful when you were
Squishing your cigarette in that
If I were to write about nature, I’d say it was great
Fantastically awesome
But I wouldn’t skimp on certain details - mostly how humankind has
Fog and smoke choke the air that was once savory
That I loved to breathe in
Wrappers and food and broken pieces of furniture
LITTER the ground that I walk on
I want to scream that the earth is not your canvas for trash, kthanx
The stars at night twinkle, silver slivers in the sky and
Yeah, they’re nice - I guess
At least my memory thinks so
Can anyone actually see the stars now?
The ocean
Poets seem to love the ocean/river/creek/any body of water
Even though it stinks, has turned black (it used to be green, or was it blue?)
It brews with so many riveting rotting things, spitting them up on the shore
And everyone hates animals unless they’re domesticated and stuck in a cage
Do you see my point?
Do you see my distress?
Do you see these poets/writers/whothefuckever need to give it a rest?
If you want to write about nature, don’t lie
Be truthful about what you’ve turned it into
Gonna stop writing now, if you’ll excuse me
Gonna go sit underneath that great big green lovely monstrous oak tree


Burned myself again today
Swooshing sound of lighter
Pressed it against my hand
Could see the flames curling around my fingers
Saw the creamy skin char brown
Bit my lip to keep from crying out
Blood dripped down my chin
And it hurt, it hurt, it hurt
Fire crackles in my eyes
Tears stream silently down my face
Why do I torture myself?
It’s euphoric
Feel alive, feel complete, feel release
Pain is pleasure
And pleasure is orange-red


When my world falls apart
I sit back and smile
When the sky crashes down
I open my arms, welcoming the clouds
When I cry
I laugh through my tears
When the only thing I care about is gone
I walk a thousand miles and try to escape the darkness
When I feel like I can’t go on
I smell a flower
Purple petals pulsing a saccharine sweetness into my nostrils
I think of heaven
And angels looking down
And I feel, I think, I know
That everything’s going to be okay

To anyone who's reading these - enjoy! ♥


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