Gryffindor Prefect

Jan 21, 2008 22:31

I'm sorry this has been so late going up, I had to take care of real life issues.
Because of popular demand, I'm putting up an application for both prefects. You'll have 2 days to apply because we need a prefect rather quickly. So, if you've been a member for at least two months, fill out the below application and apply as a comment to this post.

LJ Username:
Email Address:
How long have you been a member of HiH?
Position You're Applying For:
Have you ever held an officials position in HiH? If so, how many terms?
Beyond Sorting Logs and In-House contests, what kinds of activities/discussions will you use to help keep your Common Room active?
How often will you be able to check/update the sorting log and/or be around to answer questions for members of your house?
How often do you sort applications? In an average month, how often are you a Top Sorter?
How would you handle a conflict/dispute?:
Why are you interested in being a prefect/co-prefect?
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