Today I walked 8.5* miles.
Dear lord, that was interesting.
For those not in the know, today was the
Aids Walk in Philly and I and my GSA went to join the crowds and raise awareness and other pretty things. We finally managed to get our two school's GSA's to meet (I'm friends with the other's head people, and stuff) so everyone wlaked together. That was the cool part. Everything along the route was very supportive, and they had free water every mile or so, so that was awesome. But oh my god, I've never walked that far in one sitting ever before. That's what I call a test of endurance for someone not-in-shape.
But we did it. We did it, together, and I am very proud that every single one of us (okay, excepting our advisors, who are failry cool anyway, so that's alright) went across that finish line.
My legs hate me, especially my right foot, but that's okay. Kinda. I mean, I'd rather it didn't want to hurt me, but I'm planning to take a proper long hot soak to appease them (being my legs in general).
Then I get home, ride off, and discover that the Thing at Five for English was cancled. Pause. Growl, go back home, waste time on something I'll get to in a moment, and then write paper that is due on the morrow.
Not a bad day, all things told. 'Cept the fustration and the gr and the going somewhere andbeing embarressed that my group DID NOT CALL ME.
And, I was wasting time on writing something about the Naruto Fancharacter I've been guiltily working on. Guiltily, in that I know how most of the Anime/Manga community thinks of Fancharacters. This is balanced out by EL, of course. *grin* But I still feel guilty anyway. It's like Ruliann reading Peach Girl.**
So, here's the first 'section' out of several I wrote today about my fancharacter-guy***
The wind whispered small secrets to him, and he smiled at the small tales it told. It plays and twists the ribbons of his staff, hidden high above his head in the foliage of the old oak, like a woman twirling her hair as she leans close across the table. Mistress and playful lover, caress touches that never left and yet were implicitly understood. He dipped his head in a nod, slipping through limb to limb with the smooth blur that was each smooth, implicit movement. Training from years of childhood had made each muscle obey each thought, and so there was no waste as he used the highway of the tree limbs.
He wondered why anyone would build a secret in a place with so many pathways to take to the heart of it. Each tree was a signpost, a pointing finger towards the centre spider in a web of movement. Each strand, each path taken by one of the secret’s holders, would eventually lead back to the centre if followed long enough. A rubbed piece of bark, a limb twisted out of shape, a broken twig, a ripped leaf. Breadcrumbs along the trail.
It would not take him long to reach Konoha, no matter how hidden the forest gem of the Ninja’s to the west was.
I'm going to be posting the other short parts as the days go by, and may actually work on this in between so that I have more at one time then I'm putting up. Well, depending on what people tell me.
*Technically, the AIDS walk is 8.4, but we counted walking into the large crowd and how far it took to walk from the finish line to the actual grounds and music and food and more importantly water
** My friend Ruliann is japanese, and reads a lot of manga, and tends to be a very harsh critic of it all in general. So she feels guilty reaidng fluff like Peach Girl.
***OMG LINDSEY IS making a GUY?!!
The asterics thing is stolen from
ursula because it works so well.