Sep 23, 2004 16:06
Well, since I've been jumping around at the prospect of this for the past week, it seems that the best idea is to post about the event here.
That is, the Photo Field Trip.
It was an amazing, and fun, expereince. Running around, climbing over rocks, barefoot in the sand and scrabbling for a good shot as the wave's crash and chase after your feet--godaweseom. I have no idea how any of my pictures turned out, because there is a hih probabilkty of the beach light overexposing my pictures--and when working in black and white, that can be pretty ick. But then I got to run through some of my colour rolls, and that was interesting.
For the record, I was using an Old Manual Cannon camera--full manual, focus, aperture, speed, everything. The sense of fine control over the process was amazing. I filled a 36 shot BW roll, and two colour Kodak rolls, all 400 speed and 35 mm. Right now, there's a third colour roll sitting in the school-borrowed camera for my own amusement. I'm a few pics in, so any ideas of how to fill it are much appreciated.
Anyway, an interesting tip the professional phtographer guy gave us was to lower the speed of film setting on the camera, to counteract the brightness on the beach caused by the lights reflection off the sand and water. I hope it worked--I really want those pics I was taking to come out.
It started with us all climbing onto the bus--Lindsey trailing in the wake of Jim, Danielle (the short), and Heather. It was nice to hang out with Heather, all day, actually--we don't really get to, and she's a fun person to hang out with. Rode up past New Brunswick, to be welcomed into the studio of a professional portrait photographer. His equipment makes me cry. He has a brilliantly adjusted MAC in the back to process his pictures (he workd full digital) and a hot damn lovely 10,000$$ camera that he let everyone take some time with (under..heavy...supervision XD) and it was good. Anyway, we were surprised with breakfast, he gave us some tips, and told us 'there are no rules--just take pictures!' and we all hurried off to the beach. One of the most fun hours -evar-. I got to clamber all over the break water, in my bare feet, and feel all nicely artistic as I ran around taking odd pictures no one else seemed interested in. I took some time underneath the pier/boardwalk--there were some interesting opportunites to take worms eye shots whilst sighting up along the beams that hold up the planks. (Unforutnately, we weren't allowed -on- it, so now cool sighting along it for interesting perspective, except by standing next to it).
Most of the time, I wandered on my own--my favourite shots to take were ones of people who had no idea I was sighting on them. You got the best poses that way--the body in natural repose, caught in a moment, is some of the best subjects. Took a whole slew of water refernces as we were leaving with my colour film--designated as my personal experimentation. My BW film was used up in a more artistic way, to be worked with when I get into class. Then we wandered back to the bus, went back, ate lunch in the surroundings of the studio, I took some more weird pictures, and then home we went.
I ended up soaked to my knees when I left--there was a lot of 'Lindsey stands still, sights, forgets about the waves, and unexpectedly gets caught in water up to her knees'. I must say, Jim and Danielle are admriably photogenic--there were also some interesintg 'Christa posing on rocks along the breakwater' mometns too. I really really hope they turn out, dammit