Feb 16, 2011 13:09

 Growing Dread: Biopunk Visions
To be released in March of 2011, the future doesn’t go beep in the night - it goes squish. Delivering on the dark promise of the biotech revolution, BIOPUNK inhabits a world where man is the most valuable resource, and ruthless corporations and “black clinics” can make him even more valuable. Rather than silicone chips, neurons are the real computing power, and the deadliest of weapons are grown, not built.

We're especially proud to feature the talent we've collected for this anthology, most of whom we've never had the joy to work with before.
Growing Dread: Biopunk Visions Table of Content:
"Muffin Everlasting" by Minerva Zimmerman - (THAT'S ME!!!!) 
"Boosting the Signal" by Lillian Cohen-Moore
"God Bloom" by Angel Leigh McCoy
"Unchained Melody" by Jeremy Zimmerman
"Kundalini Rising" by Michael Hacker
"Necrosis" by Berit Ellingsen
"Green, Green World" by Michaela Hutfles
"Neurolution" by R.S. Hunter
"The Aesthetic Engine" by Mae Empson
"How to Hack Your Dragon" by Christine Danse
"Doctor Circe and the Separatist Man-Cheetahs" by Erik Scott de Bie
Interior illustration by Lea Barozzi

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