Friday Five

Jul 28, 2006 09:06

nabbed from sasha_chell.

1. Do you smoke?
Yup, When I'm next to broke I smoke Skydancer ultra light 100's; but, when things are okay or better , I'm a sucker for a pack of Camel Turkish silver.

2. Are you more likely to be caught humming, whistling or singing to yourself?
All the above; However, if I notice I've been caught, I may break into an operatic solo just heighten the embarassment and turn the tables.

3. Have you ever been to New Orleans?
Once, twice, and three times; But, my overall favorite time there was either my honeymoon (with my ex-wife), or the time we (My ex-wife and I, again) spent a weekend house/real estate shopping there.

4. When is the last time you saw the sun rise?
This morning... I like to sit wirh a cup of coffee and a cigarette and just enjoy the moments of twilight.

5. Can you swim?
Yup, and I also know how to turn just about every article of clothing into a flotation device. An interesting fact that I find kind of funny: Out of 188 people who started in my boot camp company (Navy '89), 88 had to take basic swimming courses because they didn't know how.

friday five

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