Another MUNI recording session ; trips to SF

Feb 26, 2010 08:44

I am planning another recording session for MUNI: The Musical (and whatever else I have written by May).

So, yes, I have trips to the bay area planned for March and May right now, so that I can be present at the West County Winds concerts for the rest of the term. (The band and Contra Costa College were both in favor of this, and who was I to argue?) So if you still haven't seen me conduct my band, you have two more chances, on the evening of Monday, March 15; and the afternoon of Sunday, May 23, both at El Cerrito High School. In both cases, I'll only be conducting one piece, so I'll presumably have more time to be social than I would at the average concert.

But what I'm really trying to say is that, because I'll be in the bay area anyway, I'm conspiring with sim_rob to record some more music. (Follow the tag munithemusical to read about last year's adventures in this regard. If I teach you how to fish, you'll eat for a lifetime!) I do have a couple of new songs, but deadlines really help me write, and I'm already looking forward to writing new stuff to make this happen. And perhaps guignolhornpipe will give me some lyrics for the show we might write together, who knows?

Anyway, I'm being a little more organized than last time about trying to reach singers in advance and work out who might do what. I seem to have more tenors interested than baritones/basses, so if you know of someone in the lower registers who sings well and has an appreciation for broad humor, do let me know.

traveling, munithemusical

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