MUNI: update

Jan 30, 2008 09:07

So, weekend before last I sketched out a lyric for a song for MUNI: The Musical. I had made a goal for 2008 of writing a song per month (minimum) and, with the end of January looming close and no potential collaborator in sight, I opted this past weekend to try to set my own lyric to music, with mixed results. I tossed out (ok, tossed into a box) my Sunday attempt last night and re-set the lyric with a more satisfying result -- although there are still a couple of transitions I'm not happy with. And I think I need feedback from someone else on whether the coda "works" for them.

However, the new version is running through my head this morning, which is usually a good predictor that other people will like something I've written.

I'm going to hold off on posting any audio files to LJ until I have three or four songs (hopefully that won't really take three or fours months, but no promises there).

By chance, our local NPR affiliate had had a piece on public transportation planning (I think, I didn't hear it myself) shortly after I had posted the poll about what song to write first, and several people recommended that I use an anecdote one planner told on the air as a point of departure for a song -- and that's what I've done.

In the original story, the man (nicely dressed) is reading or something, and feels something wet on his leg. Looking down, he discovers that a homeless person has drooled all over him. (The NPR affiliate got oodles of phone calls from angry listeners saying that the mere telling of the story was insensitive to homeless people -- only in SF!) Anyway, I've upped the ante in my song and the homeless person has urinated on the man instead. I figure America is ready; Urinetown has paved the way.

Hopefully callmedixie can be persuaded to sing the song for a demo track when I get to that point. :)

Also -- I need a MUNI: The Musical usericon.


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