Aug 04, 2011 08:58
Just an update to tell our loyal fan (Hi, Frank!) that I'm not missing, I'm just avoiding FTBG and Pesci's spoilers until I finish. (Do you care? Probably not.)
I've got about 150 pages to go thanks to my library copy coming in during my travels. So far, all I really want to know is, when did Dany's plotline turn entirely into a Jane Austen novel? Did I just not recognize this earlier? I love him! But he's poor, I can't marry him...I don't love him! But he's wealthy and cultured...I don't know whom to choose! I'll go for a walk and eat something. I can't eat, I'm so nervous! Maybe I should masturbate? Oh, but who will I think about while I do so? It's all too much!*
Pardon me while I go bullet shopping.
*These last phrases come from Austen's original unpublished manuscripts, the examination of which I have the sole privilege. Jane, you were a naughty, naughty bird.