Like that Ad...

Feb 19, 2007 19:59

Sitting up in bed now, an Apple Mac on my lap and a Packard Bell on Claire's lap...we are like that Apple VS PC ad with the lad from Jeepers Creepers (who is, also, in Die Hard 4.0 with his whiny, in a "my balls are in the process of dropping" yet strangely captivating voice).

Work has been okay (I would say "grand" but don't want to jinx it) - employee of the week and a ten pound bar tab made me like it more (oddly enough, around the same time I was thinking of leaving...I think the floor staff, Marco, who I tell my feelings to before my shift - "...I'm thinking of leaving...I can't stand going home at 5am...I can't stand the smoke...I can't stand not falling asleep with my girl...I can't stand the wankers and their alco-pops" - has blabbed to the managers and so employee of the week #32 is some sort of bribe). Then, I, surprisfuckingly, found my name under "FULL TIME" employees on Friday night WITHOUT BEING TOLD, despite seeing TWO of the managers that night (also, oddly enough, around the same time I told co-worker Jade I was drafting my resignation).

So, either, 'these walls have ears' and the CCTV in the bar is fucking amazing, or fate is just as confused and drunk as the old men and women I serve everyday.

...ahem...Hi, my name is Claire. I think you might have heard about me already. Nice to meet you all, finally. Great, so, like...where's the bar?

Mmm...I looked down and the laptop was suddenly off my lap...

Claire bought me an Apple shuffle - a friend for Manchester - for Valentine's Day (celebration developed by Hallmark but excuse to buy shit we need...or want, I suppose). It is silver - to colour co-ordinate with both Manchester and my 2007 Diary from WHSmith (plus the Fantastic Four II movie; Rise of the Silver Surfer). The silver shuffle has "Calico Jack" engraved on it - it is the best part about it (apart from the sexy dock it uses to charge, import/export)...but, yes, 'Calico Jack' - that's me (not to be confused with 17th century pirate who use to wear calico).

Claire and I travelled to Durham on Saturday - a lovely hour and ten minutes through the green English countryside away. Durham, in it's heyday was...uh...hmm...important in...north...Umbria...English versus the WELL YE OLDE DAYS (we're talking a cathedral built in 1093 by the Normans). It is where you can find the tomb of Saint Cuthbert.

More importantly (but not really), it is a university town that makes you a bit sick (mostly out of jealously but not without being repulsed at the sheer snobby preppynessy of it all aka; BOYS WITH COLLARS UP and SWEATERS HANGING OFF SHOULDERS).

So, maybe, it was a bit, slightly, like Harry Potter (our Polish-exhanged tour guide wore a robe). The castle of Durham is now (and has been for a few hundred years now) halls of residence for said jumper/collar kids. I dry-retched at their "Great Hall" (in which they were rehearsing some orchestral performance whilst our tour of 20 plus interrupted....with Claire and I trying to look just not, just not, just not, still not impressed) and their 500 year old table in the hall that they use to sort out mail and play ping pong. CHAH. CHARRRH.

(Or, in the words of Kevin Smith - "Oo, sick burn")

But, I guess apart from the green-eyed monster in me (in us, Claire), Durham is a lovely town - nice and old with really small and tight alleyways here and there - leading to courtyards (Claire, that DOES NOT sound Freudian slip) and some other...places...mostly where the ground is uneven (cobbled stones) and there are small doors (ye olde poor? or ye olde prisoners?).

We ended up stopping in York on the way back (because a train to Donny wasn't going to arrive until an hour later) - so that's two historical towns in one day (we'll overlook the fact that the only thing Claire and I saw in York was the Abby, the City Walls and McDonald's).

The next day, Claire was sick but I was sicker. But I won't tell you how I just laid in bed and watched "T4" on Channel Four whilst Claire put on her maid's outfit (she has one) and did the shopping and ironing and washing.

Before I end this longer than usual update; MOVIES.

"Hot Fuzz"
Hooray for Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (sounds like Santa Claus' son's name?)! Hooray for "model village"!

"8 Women"
If I could sing in French, I would sing that "Papa, papa, papapapapapapa" song.

Augh. I can't stand how pretty it looks. "THIS. IS. SPARTA". Yeh babeeeeeeeeeyyyy.

"The Simpsons"
Well, duh.

" ...leader of the armies of the north. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

"Brief Encounter"
"No, not really"
"No, not really"


Right. Going to bed now.

Hope you're all well and happy.

xx Calico Jack

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Claire Haggan
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