
Feb 09, 2007 16:35

Dear friends,

Yesterday, it snowed.

It was my first snow. And in true "let's make this a big, personal, milestone thing with a soundtrack playing in the background", I walked in it (despite being sick...in hindsight, walking in snow probably did me more physical harm than emotional props, but, oh well).

I walked to work in the snow and it continued to snow during my 7 hour shift.
I quite like it.
It's nice and light and makes everything feel magic.

Working at the Walkabout is doing okay. When I get to a pissed off to the point of telling them I'm leaving, I have a good shift and I second-guess myself. But, still. I suppose it could be worse. I could be working with wankers (very few of my co-workers are wankers...most of the regular customers are wankers though). Getting leglessly pissed on Sunday night with the bar-staff (Pub Golf - dress up in gold gear, get a score card, one bar = one hole, with rules) definately improved my relationship with the bar and it's people (thankfully, I didn't hurl on anyone).

But poor Claire! Who had to look after me hyper-ventilating in my half-drunk-half-asleep state when I got home. I love her, not because she put up with my vomiting, but because she gave me a cuddle in the morning...

I'm taking next weekend off (hooray) - planning to go to Durham (ye olde town - they are everywhere here) and perhaps York (even more ye olde town) again to see Claire's family.

It's getting cold now but I've managed to develop blubber (thanks to eating at work, Yorkshire puddings and scotch eggs) so I'm not affected. Chunks, a fellow Aussie at Walkabout, is going home and I get pangs of jealousy. I miss the sun, the heat...and God, yes, even the humidity. I miss home. But then again...I don't really. As much as I think I miss it, I love the green rolling hills around Yorkshire, I love the fact that I pass Conisborough Castle (12th century) on the train everytime I head towards Sheffield and I can't get enough of seeing Cusworth Hall in the distance when I walk to and from town.

Besides, what's better than walking around in the cold and eating chips and curry with my girlfriend?
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