Isabella, Eleanore, and Sophia.

Jun 22, 2010 12:18

Kids! I spend 98% of my time dealing with children in one form or another.
Since it is summer time Isabella is gone a lot. You would think that would be a little easier on me but in fact it is the total opposite. Isabella has become quite the helper and doting big sister. She helps feed the girls, and plays with them constantly.

Isabella will be attending second grade this coming school year. Most of you who are on my friends list know Isabella from when she was six months old to two years old! They grow and change so quickly, it is best not to close your eyes for one second.

Speaking of school, Isa has graduated first grade in the top three of first grade. She has been excepted into the magnet program for art and will be taking advanced classes. The girl is still unusually small but she is starting to fill out. She already has to wear a training bra. :/

Eleanore.... "Ellie" is the more needy of the twins. She needs more affection, help getting to sleep, and constant attention. She is the older one by 25 seconds. :) She is also half a pound bigger than Sophia and a teeny bit taller. Eleanore can wave and say bye bye, clap her hands and say yay, use mama and dada discriminant-ly, push up to standing on a flat wall, and stand momentarily without assistance. She loves music and is always drumming on things.

Sophia..."Fifi" is the more independent one. She roams around the better part of the day getting into stuff. She tends to pick on Eleanore by slapping her, pulling her hair, and taking her toys. Ellie has recently began to fight back. Sophia can stand without any assitance, she can also get into a standing position without holding onto anything. Sophia also cruises around and tries to take steps without holding on to furniture. She can wave bye bye but cannot say it. She uses mama and dada discriminant-ly, and she gives tons of kisses that are super sloppy and wet.

The girls alternate between playing well with one another and fighting. They are exhausting. The amount of work that it entails to take care of them is unreal. They are also more fun than I could have ever imagined.

They have recently started sleeping through the night. Every once in a while Eleanore will still wake up and I will have to get her a bottle and she will feed herself and go back to sleep. I weaned them at about seven months due to lack of fat in my milk. They do well on their formula though I am still not completely at peace with having to give them that. They are still only in the 20th percentile for weight, though they are in the 50 percentile for height .

Eleanore is on the right and Sophia on the left.
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