it's 0138. I'm awake. I am the only one. (except
bouncyflea might be cuz she's all cool and australian and time-zone-different and stuff.) I have offially run out of things to do, as i have read the entirety of websites including:
-Anti-Liger-Alliance (ALA)
-People for the Ethical Treatment PUmpkins (PETPU)
-save-a-moose (sam?)
-save the pacific northwest tree octupus
-save the plywood forests
-the official home page of the Society for the Preservation of Polyesters (spp)
I even tried to join a couple, because I'm just that bored.
Shemp - You are the greatest of heros. A natural
leader, and occasional drunkard, little can
stand in your way when in full fury. Not even
girls. Not even ugly ones, of whome you know
many. Either that or you lied in your answers
just to sound cool. Jerk.
The ALA Personality Test brought to you by
Quizilla why do i live in a house with people who sleep? why can't people magically become deaf when asleep? if it werent for the sleepers i could be decorating my room. but hammers would most likely make them feel bad. im sorry. i skipped a couple words. between likely and make insert wake them and and then instead of they make it me. i hope i didnt confuse you. im not quite sure if i confused me. you know what, leave the sentence just how it is, it makes enough sense. they would feel bad if the woke up. or theyd fall back asleep, but then wake up again and in the end it wouldnt work. anyways, actually, i have nothing else to say. anyways was an empty word said in hope that it would change the subject or start a new conversation in my head and then i'd be talking to myself again and have something to do, but nothign came past the word anyways. it was a meaningless attempt. except that i got to talk that whole bit about it, so it worked kinda. and i had something to say just then, but then a buddy alert came up to say
tbschemer had gone idle. so i took three lines and called him a liar. what was i going to say...o yeah. i was thinking of having another nice conversation with my computer, as i did at work the other day, when i reached this level of boredness, but my work computer doesnt get much attention whereas i dont know this one's personality. it's name is fluffy and it is black. black as the night. and a for lives on top of it and that is all. i've outlived my usefulness havent i? i could go all parody teen angsty but im too lazy and not in a bad mood. just bored. im sorry that ive been talking for so long. it cant be interesting. maybe i'll cut this. maybe i wont, because i can be really lazy. ooh, here's something fun to turn this into a new paragrapgh, because this is getting really long.
click the link and enjoy yourself. depending on which name variaiton i use, i am:
a Pirate.
a MSP.
a Rabbit Slayer.
a Stunt Person.
a Stunt Person.
a Stand Up Comedian.
a Lhanbryde Community Worker.
a Stripper.
a Stripper.
a Paleantologist.
a Jungle Explorer.
a Dodgem Driver.
like pirate, jungle explorer, rabbot slayer most. maybe others too. anyways. now what?
perhaps ill get off the computer and go to my room. lie down til sleep, listen to one of the cds i still have (only one in a way. they all moved to
buttermuffinmax's car.), decorate some foam photo frames, or make a felt notebook. that's about all i can do. im hungry. have been for awhlie but too lazy to eat and it could end up being loud. i could sit in my room eating goldfish or licorice. or both. wow, lots of options when you try. 0158. i could paint my toes...i this:
1. Name something I prefer to not leave the house without.
2. What are some favorite drinks?
d. Jamba Juice (freebie)
3. When I make a peanut butter jelly sandwich, what is the extra ingredient?
4. When I make a peanut butter jelly sandwich, if I cut it, how do I cut the bread?
5. What is my favorite? (Multiple categories, same answer)
a. orange
b. ring of power
c. c is for commie bag
d. answer c with goggles and knife
e. answer d with a and b
f. no soap, radio
raiment's dinosaur
6. Which of these bothers me the most? (choose one)
a. the way sick people smell/their rooms
b. when my hands feel dirty
c. walking on dirty/unswept hardwood floors?
d. a and b
e. all of the above excluding d
f. having an empty letter choice with nothing to write so putting down something like this instead
7. What color toe nails do i have? (not a psychic-abilities-testing-question. my toes have been pretty much the same color since canadia last may.)
8. Why do I like the name Mei?
9. What items could save the world? (What two things do I use on nearly everything when broken?)
10. Which beanie baby lives on the computery part of fluffy??
11. What toy was given to me on a New York subway? Describe it and its functions.
12. Which of the following is my specialty?
a. cooking
b. working (construction/manual labor/mechanics (but not cars))
c. computer stuff
d. none, bits of those other things but not entirely
e. all of the above, excluding d
f. confusing people by randomly saying things like no pun intended when nothing special was said, then watching the person think really hard about what was said and trying to get it while laughing and acting like they know exactly what i mean, even though i dont even know what i mean. no im not an asshole or bitch, i just get bored.
right, i guess i should screen answers or something so people cant cheat. yeah. so answer and in awhile i'll put up answers. and not to beg, but please do it so that i'll have comments to read slash respond to and thus wont necassarily be quite this bored. help a poor meghan. (underpaid meghan*) im even doing a sad face that you cant see (just know that it's there and that it's completely irresitble so yo uhave to do it.) also, the ring of power commands it. ren, my bracelet broke while i slept. i have another package so i can make a new one but yeah. what?
now i'll apologize for being so damned bored and subjecting your poor little friends page to all this pointless crap. i would put up some cool china pics, like engrish or a scary manequin or something, but photobucket is repairing itself so i cant join. o look,
tbschemer's back. he has no idea i'm typing this, talking about him behind his back right in front of him. this is fun. it's as if i were talking to myself except it's in an IM box so im not. that's so cool. anyways. i just had a completely random convo. he barely said anything. i guess random mood is just leftover from talking to ben. crazy kid. i guess i'll leave now. just because theres nothing left to do. 0246. yeah. gonna go make a felt notebook. later all. hope your friends page survived the onslaught. i really want a pbjh snadwich...