Jul 16, 2007 17:28
I had a bright red gush yesterday afternoon. There was some slight tissue looking stuff in it, but it looked like normal period stuff. I was heart broken and just trudged out to my Dad's birthday dinner anyway. I just knew it was over. I hadn't told anyone in my family for this reason, so I put on a stiff upper lip and headed to Outback.
After getting home, Hubby suggested calling the OB even though I hadn't seen her yet. The after hours line wouldn't do anything for me with the OB because I wasn't her patient, technically. She was also the after hours line for my family doc, so they sent a message to the doc on call with that practice. I, of course, was sobbing as she told me to go to the ER even though I wasn't cramping or in pain. I remember
'threatened miscarriage' and 'bedrest' and at some point she said they would check on 'the product of conception'. I'm sure she just wanted to steer clear of the baby word. I found 'product of conception' rather odd and funny. She asked me if I was okay, and my answer was "My husband is here, I'll be okay". She asked if I wanted her to talk to him, and I said sure. I knew I wasn't going to remember much of the conversation.
After 4 hours in the ER, a pelvic exam, a catheter urine sample, an 'outty' and an 'inny' ultrasound..... They think I am okay. My hcg is 13,168. I saw the little flickering heartbeat (She said it was 124) and the egg sac/yolk . She said that I was measuring exactly 6 weeks and told me my EDD was March 9th. How this little grain of rice can cause me such heartache ALREADY, I will never know.
I'm on pelvic rest until I see my OB on Thursday. She'll decide where to go from there. No bending, or squatting or lifting over 24 pounds. I feel bad for hubby.
My blood pressure was crazy when I checked in. She used an automated, on my forearm and got 185/85. Later on the nurse, who was great, found a large cuff. She said they are kinda stupid because the automated ones don't work on anyone who has ANY contours to their arm. This includes MUSCLES! She took it right before I left and I was at 145/82. Seems a lot better, and I had been on half dose for the past 3 days of my BP
meds, and JUST took 1 dose for the day of the new stuff. I still had the second dose to take. She didn't seem to be that concerned.
I was really sad at one point because I got up to go to the bathroom and noticed redish stuff all over the pad they put under me. I thought I had had another gush. It turns out, she forgot to tell me she was rubbing me down with iodine!! I teased her about it mercilessly.
The ultrasound tech was pushing REALLY hard externally. I could feel it grinding on my pelvic bone. The internal wasn't that comfortable either. I'm glad she had me go pee, because even immediately after doing so, once she started poking around, I felt the urge again! I guess this is a whole slew of firsts for me, and there are probably a whole lot more waiting for me in the next 9 months.