Whee! Babysitting

Nov 12, 2010 14:22

I'm multi-tasking! Probably a bad thing, but I'll take the moments I have.

First off, I have an issue with Twitter. My fam is kind of cautious because none of them have accounts on there and they'd rather keep up with something I do online (they don't have LJ's either), but they're Facebook fanatics. So we're thinking about me switching over to FB (which, I believe, more of my friends are on, as well as some of you). Rest assured, if I'm following you on the twit, I will not stop following you if we switch over. I'll probably keep some alerts up, save the RPer's, and might text you or whatever about some of them, but me officially on twitter would be a no-no.

But we haven't decided yet, so don't worry. I'm just MIA on the twitter factor for now. And I will never quit LJ, my dears. I love you all and your craziness too much.

Second, OMGOMG! BB!CAROLINE IS SPEAKING TO ME! I think only Olga would get that, but I'mma explain. I'm babysitting right now, and a beautifully adorable girly by the name of Caroline (who shares the name of my niece) rarely speaks to or around me, and right now she's being most adorabibble with her...cabbage patch doll (which, honestly, have always creeped me out, but at least it's not a Chucky doll or whatever...damn. Why did I have to think of the one doll who somewhat gave me a supernatural experience as a child? Why?!).

Anyways. She's adorable and I'm loving her so hard right now. All snuggled on the couch, blanky wrapped around her, a hundred dolls spread out next to her. UGH! IT KILLS ME WITH THE SWEET FLUFF!

I suddenly want to add a bb!girly dedicated to Caroline in my novel. But that would be cruel, seeing as the book deals with drugs, prostitution, a failing government and justice system, ghosts, and...well,you get the point. So..yeah.

Speaking of, totally behind on the novel. Over 6,000 words. D: I've just kept ignoring it aaaaalll week. Totally the combined fault of the camping trip, hormonal...junk with You Know Who as the cause, and me. I've just been ignoring it. It's not like I have writer's block or anything I'm just...uninspired. If anyone wants tto randomly deck me out with, I dunno, carnie, futuristic, or steampunk stuff, I'd appreciate it. I need something to get me back into the spirit.

Or a good whooping. I could use that too.

random, rant, blah, cuddley!cute

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