He raises...COCKROACHS?!

Nov 05, 2010 13:52

Alright, so I've been slightly obsessed with Repo! The Genetic Opera lately and it is, in fact, part of the inspiration for my novel (eh...pretty much just set in a failing future type world and a brief side character has the name Mag, though she's nothing like Blind Mag). Of course, my favorite character's are Graverobber, Shilo, and Pavi. What? Pavi's insane and I love him. It's some strange, peculiar fascination about what's under that woman's face...what happened to his face and how he's so hapy and sex crazed...

But ANYWAYS. I found out, whilst browsing a Shilo/Graverobber pairing comm, that Terrance Zdunich (actor, writer, composer, and singer extraordinaire AKA the man who created Repo! and acted as the Graverobber)  had a twitter account. So I, with my twittering wisdom, searched him up and followed him (regardless of the fact that he mainly just talks about his comics and promotes them...) and via that went to his website. COCKROACH'S. EVERY FRIGGIN' WHERE.

I have no problem with our insectual friends who have survived since the beginning of time. In fact, I was fascinated with the fact that every time on Heroes, whenever Sylar was injured or killing and/or killed someone, a cockroach would scurry by. I once spent day on day in a cockroach infested house (wasn't pleasant, I'll tell you, and I did kill many cockroaches, but hey. I'm not keen on wild cockroach diseases), I've had a cockroach land on my FACE while I was asleep. But I'm not afraid nor do I hate the cockroach race.

However, the fact that a man with such brilliant talent, whom I rather fangirlishly respect, raises them?

Well. I'm slightly disturbed and entirely too intrigued. I think ontdcreepy has brainwashed me. Darn you all.

Then again, this intrigue may also have to do with the fact that I no longer wear matching socks, am completely fascinated by steampunk, made a pervy joke (in public! pervy jokes are normally reserved for friends who know me well enough (aka Olga) or my own mind) the other day, and dressed up as a half bird thing for Halloween. And want to do it again.

Possibly this is tied into my new hobby of origami, my want to sew random costumes (mostly steampunk...dammit), my deep longing to wear a wig and/or extensions one day, my experimentation of crazy makeup, and so on and so forth.

I have no clue what it all means, other than I'm one messed up so-called artiste. No, really. Apparently I'm at the stage where, as I'm determined to write this novel, I'm also meant to 'find myself'. If that's the case, then dear God, I pity my RL friends. They're going to be lost in my mass early-life crisis. Hell, I'm already lost. And I want to go to Hot Topic and buy a corset, then go to Hobby Lobby and Garden Ridge for some fabric, and get started on that steampunk outfit. Plus, hair extensions. Lord, how I want hair extensions.

But, instead, I have to spend the weekend at camp. Camp. In November. With 30-60 degree weather. On my first camping trip ever.

The only good part about it is that I might finally see someone who, after I sent a very deep and telling email to, has not replied or contacted me in any form. I haven't seen him in over a week, and I'm slightly frightened. Anyhoo. I have to go pack, then see if I can scoop another thousand words out of my brain for CYET (yup! I just did that) before we have to leave.

See y'all on Monday!

life sucks/rocks, random, angsting, what the freaking hell, blah, rambles, boooooring

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