Jul 07, 2010 23:54

If you don't follow me on twitter (*cough*@yourweepinangel*cough*) you might not know that I went on a six-day vacation down to San Antonio, TX. EPICEST TIME EVAR. I had such a blast down there and have come to the conclusion that those in the UK ROCK MY EFFIN SOX.

For example: Scots. OHMAGAWD. I always adored Gerard Butler and David Tennant and Craig Ferguson, but they don't hold a candle to the proud Scots that wandered about the international convention in kilts and plaid cowboy hats with Scotland pins and pens and ruffled my hair and played the bagpipe at the bus stop. I wanted so bad to just cling to them and never let go.

And then there were the Londoners. Holy shiz, fell in love with those accents once more. Just wanted to tell them to KEEP TALKING. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T STOP. And the couple from Thailand were the epicest of all. Met in McDonalds, of all places, over a chicken sandwich and some ice cream. It was so amazing because, contrary to the belief of those online, I'm incredibly shy. I don't often initiate face-to-face conversation (trying to get better, though) unless I know you pretty well, and I don't get to know you unless you start talking to me.

Anyway, the man must have sensed it because he sat at the table right behind me and just started talking, asking questions. It was small talk at first (where am I from, am I having a good time), but soon shifted to some serious subjects. He gave me some brilliant advice and encouragement and, like the Scots, I just wanted him to take me home with him and his sister.

We got into talking about some spirtual things as well, and some of what he said is making me re-think my position on some things. I'm a professed Christian but...I hate the religion of it all. It's strict, and demanding and I don't like it. Stepping away from that cultivated religion I can see a God who doesn't care, so long as I believe in Him and love Him and others and pass the word on. So, for now, I'm stopping that religion. I wouldn't say I'm no longer a Christian, but I'm also not saying I am one. I'm a gray area, as it were, on that subject. I just have to relax for now and see where it takes me.

I know there is a higher power, but it's one of my understanding, not someone else's.

ANYWAYS. First day in, I got all dressy-dressy and went to a five-star steak restaurant and went to a play that had me laughing my socks off and, at the same time, made me tear up at a scene. So very, very awesome.

Second day, I got a little freaked out. I said I believe I'm an empath before, but this just sealed the deal for me. I was going to one of the meetings and entered this room with thousands of people (think about this, there are three buildings for three different specific groups. Group A has the largest, Group B the second largest, Group C the smallest. We were at Group A in the main convention center, the main building. There are four, five huge ballrooms, a main room, and several connecting buildings used for concert halls and the like. The amount of people who signed up for the convention are only counted on Group A, Group B and C being the 'guests'. Therefore, spouses and children and friends are not counted. Group A had about 70,000 people from all over the world). Now, I had heard about empaths getting an 'attack' in large crowds, but I had never had that happen to a great extent and never thought I might need to build some shields.

Well, hell, I do now. I start feeling sick to my stomach, literally hearing the blood roar in my ears, and I felt like I was gonna faint any second. I kept switching from happy, to angry, to fearful, to nervous and happy again in seconds and I thought I was going to explode. I couldn't breathe. Once we sat down, it started to get better I started a few meditation tricks, used my phone to distract me, anything I could to calm down. After that I was fine. I had a few similar episodes, but nothing as intense since then. Freaked me out, though.

Now, skipping past the boring aspects, I wwas walking to the hotel second-day-to-last at night. We were going down these steps, and I just missed the last one, scraping the heel of my foot against the stone step. IT HURT. I had actually rubbed a spot just above that one raw the day before with all my walking and had already been limping slightly, but that was nothing in comparison. I crumpled in pain. A Japanese man helped me sit down and asked around in broken English for band-aids. My father went and got some from the hotel we had just passed. Normally, I'm not afraid of blood, and I wasn't really afraid then, but I have a few psychological issues when it comes to the heels of me feet, thus a deep fear when anything touches them. I wouldn't let anyone clean it for me though they did anyway and I hold a sort-of-yet-not grudge against them and wouldn't look at my wound for days. I looked at it today and it looks horrendous. And painful. But now it's just kinda sore and I only limp when I haven't moved my leg in awhile.

And then, last day, we go to a restaurant called Dick's Last Resort. Where they purposefully mock you. It's brilliant. They made my brother a paper hat that says "Downloading Puberty: 20%", my dad an 'Ozzie' hat saying "I'm so confused...." and me a hat saying "My butt itches and my finger stinks". I want to go again so bad.



vacation, random, blah

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