*clears throat some more*

Jun 24, 2010 20:36

To those of you who keep shouting SPAAAAARRRRTTAAAA! and killing yourself in Transformice, I hope you know where you're going. No? Let me point it out.....

Also, viewing THIS made me want Pinto fic where Zach is a cop of some sort (SWAT, FBI, Detective, I really could care less) and Chris is all disrespective and breaks the law and basically James T. Kirk in the flesh only COOLER and they hate each other's guts but then Zoe or Karl or John or WHOEVER whacks one or both upside the head and shows them they're in love and IT WOULD BE AWESOME. DON'T JUDGE ME, I'VE HAD A ROUGH COUPLE OF WEEKS. I WANT AN AU LIKE THIS.

Or a band!AU because the thought of Anton being the cute, trying-to-be-tough because he looks up to Chris (front man), Zoe's little-man-doll drummer is ADORABLE, GODDAMMIT. AND, YES, ZOE IS VOCALS/KEYBOARD. 'CAUSE SHE'S AWESOME. AND YOU KNOW KARL WOULD PLAY BASS. AND JOHN IS THE EFFIN' AWESOME BARTENDER WHO MANIPULATES J.J. INTO LETTING THEM PLAY AT THE CLUB. AND THE BAND IS CALLED SLASH DRAGON.

Or could they all please meet a highschool? That would be AWESOME. Like...Star Trek academy!fic only better.

And, yes, I realize I have pent up ideas that I should be writing. But I'm not. Why, you so bravely ask? Because I'm a whiney bitch who can't write Pinto and is busy beating a, so far(and is no where near close to being done), 2K word Star Trek 2009 fic which is angstier than a bowl of petunias in a certain Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy into submission. It is not fun. It's like....like I'm beating Jim with a baseball bat until he bleeds, then run him over with a car, sneak past the gaurds when he's in recovery and beat him up some more, let him recover slightly, kidnap him and drop him from a building, then take both him and Spock to the hospital and sit back to watch the fun.


wtf, blah, writing, plot bunnies, rambles, pinto, random, angst, geeky, gaming, star trek

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