Jul 13, 2005 18:34
Hey people, all i can say is "WOW" there is so much crap going on its not funny, and so i guess im just gona try to get away, and so im kinda makeing this like a public announcement that i want to be left alone. And when i say "alone" i mean, i dont want any phone calls and i dont want to go anywhere, I spend like 4 hours with a group of ppl i love with all my heart today and it just drained me. The hole half and hour to a hour when everyone was there or leaveing and from when i left i was physically and emotionally drained. i put on the smile and acted like the happy-go-lucky self for about 3 hours and then when the last hour went by i was out of it. so yea, im sick and i need some rest. so if i call you and/or i tell you to call, go ahead, but otherwise, please, i need some me and God time ok? something is going on that needs healed and im trying to speed up that process. i know i know, patience, but i dont like feeling how im feeling, so just try and humor me ok? there are also some other emotions that are only going to be shared with those i either trust, or just feel comfortable telling. so if you are part of the "chop crew leaders" ill be more than happy to tell you, but otherwise, please dont ask, you can ask if you are part of the "Chop Crew" or its "leaders" if you are one of those ppl reading my journal daily and not haveing a clue who the "chop Crew" or its "leaders" are. alrite ppl im out, byes