end result

May 01, 2023 08:50

She's sick of hurting me and wanted to break up, I pointed out that we have not exhausted all options. End result is some clarity. She gets mad every time she acts contrary to how she wants to act because of the history as a sub, and when she gets mad she shuts down and ices me out. I get mad because she ices me out and distances herself. We're giving it another shot, she's going to try to just talk to me, I'm going to try to stop debating when she does talk to me. I challenge anything I see as a negative to try to disprove it so I have to accept it, but this makes her feel like I'm invalidating her statements and experiences, this will take a lot of work on my part that I do not know if I can do, but she's damn worth trying for. If this doesn't work though I don't think I have it in me to make another attempt but I will have at least tried everything I can.
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