Everything is going pretty good. I think the whole daily routine (now with Brady) is getting a little easier. My body is finally use to no sleep....and hopefully he will start sleeping a little better. I took Brady to his 2 month appointment on Friday. My little booger is already 13lbs and 23 1/2 inches long!! He holds his head up great and has even started doing the "baby march". Nick is doing alot better with him! I think at first he couldn't understand who the hell Brady was. Now he knows that he is someone special in his life. He's his little brother. Nick will rub Brady's head and get in his face and smile. Sometimes when Brady is laying in his Boppy pillow, Nicholas will come lay down with him. He really is growing into a sweet Big Brother. Emily has been so great with me lately. For awhile there she was really mouthy. I couldn't figure out where I had gone wrong. I guess it was just a stage, 'cause now she is great. She will voluntarily clean up the house or help with her brothers. This past weekend, David took the boys to his mom's house. Emily and I spent the entire weekend together. It was so great having some quality alone time with her. Usually I'm so busy trying to balance the boys and her that I dont get quality time. I'm usually just barking orders at them. I feel like a drill sgt sometimes. I have been really stressed out. I'm sure it's a combination of a lot of things, but I think I have a bit of Postpartum Depression. UGH. I had it with the other two also...I can't wait to shake it. Anyway..I thought I might post some new pics of the kids.
Brady in his new Bumbo Seat
He loves this thing!
Relaxing in on his Boppy
Emily being a goofball...she always gives funny smiles for the camera!
Nicholas is mad that he can't fit in the Bumbo!
Playing on the hotel bed at Walter Reed (visiting Daddy)
Visiting Daddy at "the Army place"
...to be continued...