Unfortunate surgery update

Jun 09, 2006 09:49

Thank you for all of your kind words. Unfortunatly, the surgery did not work, and in fact proved to make my vision drastically worse. Please excuse any typing errors I may have, as I am unable to see the keys. Fortunatly, my distance 10-20feet is excellent, but  anything isnside my room I am unable to see. It is impossible to read, even with reading glasses. My close vision has gotten drastically worse since yesterday . I was very concerned that evening when I still had burning not would not go away  when they say it would be gone in 5 hours, but I called and they said to wait till I went to the optometrist today and if he refferred me, I could go back. I want to go back NOW. At this point I am unabl to function for work purposes, (all I do is read all day)  and I would give ANYTHING to go back to the way I was before surgery. The overcorrection has made my life so far miserable.
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