Jun 05, 2010 04:27
I went to bed early (10ish) so I could get lots of sleep and wake up to watch Doctor Who. And I was tired. But it's now 4am, and I'm wide awake. 7 hours to go. Fantastic.
I haven't posted about DW here. Maybe because it's still weird for me to be at the same time as fandom, iunno. But I do know it's awesome and I love it more and more. I like River Song more this series, and I effing love ROOORRYY!! (I also love how Amy calls for him) And how ADORABLE Amy/Rory are.
I also like my system of watching it. I watch it by myself on the UK air date, figure out what I think about it, then I get fandom's opinion, then 2-3 weeks later, I watch it on Space and get my family's opinions as "normal" viewers. My mom likes Amy as much as Donna, and has warmed up to Matt. My sister still thinks David was better, but I beat that opinion into her, and I can beat it out again! :p
on ipod,
companion: roorrraayyyy,
family love (or not),
sleeepy tiem,
doctor who,