Jul 02, 2005 23:38
Okay, I feel a rant brewing in my system... I was just informed that the United States of America plans to invade Iran. We haven't even finished our needless presence in Iraq yet, and now we want to invade a country with visual proof of nuclear warheads?! What in the fuck is Bush and his lab-rat, dumbfuck Cabinet members thinking? Okay, when September 11 happened, we were so sure it was Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida members. But once we "believed" Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" our focus turned completely on Saddam Huessein and Iraq. So, we invade Iraq, completely drawing our attention away from bin Laden. We have killed well over 100,000 Iraqi citizens - people who have had nothing to do with anything. So, our dumbfuck leaders admit that Iraq had, and has never had, "weapons of mass destruction." My theory is that since George Bush (the first George Bush president) got his ass kicked in Desert Storm by Saddam Huessein, George W. Bush sought revenge for his father's defeat - and now has lead America right down the shitter. Does he not realize what invading Iran will cost us? We don't have the man power to invade another country, let alone another country with nuclear warhead capabilities. We have lost so much support from other countries, we are like a one-man gang now - a dog who has a much louder bark than bite. Bush plans on sabataging their nuclear warhead facilities covertly... Only a few, minor, problems...
1.) Our airforce is not particularly known for their well-aimed, precise trajectories...
2.) A "covert operation" of destroying a multi-million-dollar facility, should Iran's warhead facilities exist, will not go unknown. Iran will know we did it because of our whole "War on Terrorism" - which other country would have any reason or excuse to take action like that?
3.) No matter how many buildings we blow up, you can bet your sweet ass Iran will have hidden warheads somewhere. And once they find out we did it, who's to say they won't use them?
For all you Republicans who voted for Bush, so you penny-pinching bastards could get a little more back on your tax returns, is this what you wanted?! Is this what you had in mind by re-electing this dipshit you call "President?" I admit, Kerry was no better, but I voted for him only to get Bush out. The Republicans wanted to impeach President Clinton because he got his dick sucked - why in the fuck can we not impeach Bush for war crimes? If you have any intellegence, do me a favor - go get a pen and piece of paper, and make two columns. One the left side, put "George W. Bush" and on the other put "Adolph Hitler." Now, think and write down all the comparisons between the two. Here, I'll get you started:
1.) They both invaded countries.
2.) They both corrupted their people using false propaganda by telling newspaper editors what to include in their stories.
3.) They both killed civilians - Bush = 100,000+ Iraqis, Hitler = 6,000,000+ Jews.
4.) They both have literally developed a dictorship-style government.
Okay, that's all I'm going to rant for now. But just to clear everything up - world, I fucking hate George W. Bush. I hope he withers to bones from the flesh-eating bacteria, finds out his kids aren't his, his wife admits she was born artificially by use of a beluga whale and Boy George's sperm, his dad tells him he had gay relations with Saddam Huessein, and then he can die. Everything bad in the world, I wish upon him. I DO NOT claim his as my leader - I do not claim his as a leader, period.
On a much happier note, I got to hang out with Laura today. Like always, the day went by so fast while we were together. We watched a movie, had dinner at Culvers, then came back and hung out for awhile. I kicked her ass at basketball again... Well, not really, it was only two points. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow - we are having a big-ass July 4th cook-out. I think it's going to be one hell of a time!
Well ladies and gents, current news has irated me, and now I must calm myself...