One Hella Friday

Jul 02, 2005 00:52

Tonight was a great night for me! I didn't have to close at work, which is always a plus. I played some San Andreas, and good God that game can seriously chap my ass - there is way too much to do... Laura and I hung out for awhile, and played an awesome game of basketball, with a few, minor, stipulations. This is one of the first nights in a long time I haven't been able to talk to her on AIM... I really miss her right now. Even when she busts my balls, I still have a great time with her and never want to say our good-byes. I can't believe I'm falling for this girl! God, it's such an amazing feeling... Of all the girls I hung out with before I met Laura, I didn't feel this way towards any of them. It seems like everything happened at just the right time for us to get together.

Laura and Kevin had a talk while they were at work about her still wearing the rings from her last relationship. I guess in a way it does bother me, and in a way it doesn't... It does because when I hold her hand and whatnot, I don't really want something there that I will be able to look at and think of those two back together - it kind of makes me feel weird; indescribable, I suppose. I guess in my mind, I look at the ring and get the feeling that she is still in a relationship, and it makes me feel like I am an affair... At the same time, I respect her and what she wants to do. I understand it's a fresh break-up, and she still has that bond there... I just hope by the time she is ready to get serious with me, should she decide to get serious with me, she will be able to take them off and put them away. I'm not asking her to pitch them or anything like that, just away.

Tomorrow may also be the first weeknight we don't hang out, which makes me sad because I want to see her, but it's nice being able to hang out with other friends, too. I just hope she brags about me and I cross her mind every now and then. Right now I am dog-tired, so I think I will go to sleep... Right about. . . . now! ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ
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