BGG: The goal of the game is to build the most valuable city in the area by the time someone's city has reached a certain size. You collect gold to build varying buildings with. Each building is worth up to 8 points. Sounds simple enough. Well, there's a nice twist in that each turn, every player takes on the role of a major character including The Assassin, Thief, King, Architect, Bishop, Warlord, Merchant, and others. Each of these characters has the ability to do certain things. Roles are chosen around the table starting with whoever was the King on the previous turn. Some characters have the ability to improve their buildings or build faster, being very self oriented. Others have to target other characters (not players). The kicker is that nobody know who is who until they go. Each character has a place in turn order. First goes the Assassin. If nobody is the assassin, nobody speaks up and you move on. Otherwise the assassin goes. The assassin's special power is to murder one character. If any player has chosen that character, they don't get to go that turn. But you won't know that until the very end of the round because they just don't say anything when their turn comes up.
Overall, I think this is a pretty good game. The mechanics are simple and easy to pick up. The artwork on the cards is well done and often fun in and of itself. Within the first couple rounds, we pretty much had the flow of the game going well. The only thing that took a little while was remembering the order that the characters played in, but that didn't take long to catch up on, especially with 4 players trying to remember.
Overall Rating: 8. This is a very good game. It's likely that if it's on the shelf, I'll suggest it. And I can't really see a time when I would turn down a game unless it was trumped by an even better one.