Alzheimer's Fundraising

Aug 17, 2007 12:10

So I signed up for the Chicago Memory Walk to raise money for fighting Alzheimer's Disease. Any money raised will go to the Alzheimer's Association, which not only provides money for research, but for support and education for those with and affected by the disease, including family members and caregivers.

The most detrimental symptom of Alzheimer's Disease is memory loss. Imagine your loved ones no longer having that spark of recognition when they see you. Parents forget who their children are, Siblings no longer recognize each other as being family.

For those who like statistics, there are currently more than 5 million Americans living with the Disease. Someone develops Alzheimer's Disease every 72 seconds; that's 50 every hour, 1200 every day, and 438,000 every year. Of people age 65 and over, 13% have Alzheimer's Disease. Of people 85 and over, almost 50% will have the disease. In 2004, Alzheimer's Disease was listed as the 7th leading Underlying Cause of Death, 5th leading for people 65 and over, more than Prostate Cancer or Breast Cancer. If trends continue, within 6 years, it will be more than people dying from a Stroke.

Hopefully, all of us will get old. Hopefully, we'll all be able to remember getting old, and those who grew old with us. But with these numbers, chances are that half of us won't be able to remember who the other is by that point.

Anyways, if you want to help the cause, go to and make a donation.

I'm also looking to throw a party or two to raise money. The current thought is to have everyone who wants to come, give me $10 (or more, or what you can), I'll buy a bunch of beer and booze with half of it, and be the bartender for the night. The rest will go as a donation for the Memory Walk. I'd much rather kill my brain cells having a good time with friends than have some disease do it for me. ;-) If you're interested in said party, let me know when would be a good time. PS: Before September 16th is ideal since that is when the walk is.
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