I was awoken at 4:30 am this morning by mother telling me that we needed to leave an hour earlier than expected this day that I agreed to drive my family to the airport-- and WHY do we need to leave even earlier? Because
British police arrested 21 people who were plotting to detonate liquid explosives on planes flying between UK and U.S. Holy crap.
Thankfully, my family is not traveling internationally, but they still cannot have any sort of liquids with them which includes bottled water, hand lotion, shampoo or basically anything not a solid. As bad as this seems, I can't imagine what it's like at Heathrow right now-- the people there can't even have pocketbooks. Have you seen the photos of folks carrying around clear plastic bags issued by the airport with their wallets and passports? It makes me so mad that this is necessary-- that we can't be safe with out x-ray machines and armed police officers with machine guns. Don't we have enough problems in the world?
Anyone reading this from the UK? How it is where you are? Well wishes to you! Must be pretty scary over there right now because I'm on a whole other continent and I'm nervous about it. I heard on news radio that if this plot had succeeded it would have been more catastrophic than 9/11. That's unfathomable to me.
I'll post more later.
Comments welcome!