Work has slowed down to a dead crawl. This makes me nervous because they want me here until October 31-- what am I going to do until then? I feel guilty because usually I work at a very fast pace with lots of task to do and now I'm desperately trying to make them s-t-r-e-t-c-h for 8 hours a day. Someone I know told me that they pay me just to be there and baby-sit my manager, but that does nothing to ease the guilt I feel-- and the uselessness I feel. I mean, I could be at home right now trying to improve my sorely lacking art skills, but instead I have to sit here for 8+ hours and do little, meaningless tasks all day. Of course, I could be unemployed. So I'm in a terrible state right now.
I need some guidance in general, I think. I feel unfocused. My life is passing me by. I want days with nothing in them so I can sit and figure out what I'm going to do with myself. I feel like I can't get away from whatever it is that's making me insane.
I watched
V for Vendetta the other day. I really liked it. I love how the film looks-- the design of it is great. The story is interesting because it kind of throws terrorism on it's ear. You root for V and Evey, but they're really terrorists. And then you start to wonder about the government in this story and perhaps maybe they are the terrorists. I thought the Guy Fawkes mask would creep me out, but it didn't. I really liked it how it was designed.
Been fixing up my YST story lately. This is because I'm trying to get inspired to work on my portfolio and the SB was part of that fic I wrote. I've decided to work on drawing the characters first and then maybe worry about a storyboard. I also want to do environmental design. *sigh* so many ambitions not enough time or talent I'm afraid.