This has been the worst week of my entire school career. I feel like I can't win and I'm constantly being beaten down and punished. I don't know why. I feel like I don't deserve this, but I must if this is what the universe is dealing me.
It's finals, it's very stressful. Last thursday my storyboarding teacher set us our final project and our final exam one week earlier than expected. I busted my ass to get things done. Then on Monday night my book case falls over and knocks books onto my new external hard drive and DAMAGES IT IRREPARABLY. My entire semester's worth of work? Gone. Now I do have some files, but the ones I need for my project that's due? Gone. The computer guy said my drive, which isn't even paid for yet, isn't salvageable. So Tuesday I sit in the lab in front of a computer from 7:45am to 10:00pm, literally all day. Then I have my Wednesday of Hell: I have drawing class 8:30 to 12 and then I worked through my lunch break, then more drawing class 12:40 to 3, and then I go to the workshop to work on more homework from 3 to 7 and then have animation class from 7-10pm. When I get home I finish up with the work that'd due the next day and I begin to study for my final. I decide that I'm too tired to retain, so I'll get up a little bit early and study just before the exam. I set my alarm and go to bed.
This morning: I sleep through my alarm. It's 7:38am, I have to be in class taking my exam at 8:30 which I didn't study for. I rush to class make it on time and am studying like crazy, when the admin announces that the teacher is sick and class is canceled. To be made up when I AM WORKING ON SATURDAY. Obviously, I'm missing the class because it's too late to reschedule work. All that work and sacrificing of my other projects for nothing! NOTHING!
You want to know the icing on this cake? I just found out that my animation class next semester is scheduled for Thursday nights during Supernatural. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. It's the one fucking thing I look forward to in my whole miserable week and even that has to be taken away from me.
It's pathetic I know, but god damn it I need some sort of release. I gave up my friends and my family and dancing, which I love and miss every fucking day, to come to this school and so far I feel like I've been handed nothing but shit.
I am so overwhelmed and tired. I feel unloved by life and question what the fuck is the point if everything I try to do goes wrong.