Mar 25, 2007 09:20
I started at T-Mobile this week. I *LOVE* it!! Switching professions was one of the bestest things EVER. Even though so far we've just gone over general training stuff [we don't get on the phones for another couple of weeks] I just LOVE the place.. there's such a great vibe and amazing energy. PLUS, everyone that I've met so far is so much Like Me! LOL! I thought I was the only fruit loop in the world who was pretty chipper and chatty and happy-ness, but EVERYONE that's come in to talk to my training class has been just like that! :-) LOVES IT.
And I made a new friend!! Kevin [DON'T HATE just cuz he's another boy LOL!] he's hella kickass. It's funny cuz on the VERY first day all the new-hires were in the same room [there's a total of 30 of us] then they broke us up into two classes at the end of the day so we'd know where to report to Tuesday. None of the peeps I made friends with were in my class, but Kevin ended up being in there and sitting next to me [pre-assigned seats] so then we just started talking Tuesday and it's all good! LOVES HIM.
AND IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUCH a good birthday!!
I finally got a digital camera, so now I can take more new pics of me!!!!!!
For those interested in viewing them, I'll be putting them on my MySpace, so make sure to check it out cuz I'm sure I'll be a picture taking freak for a little bit :-)
And I got new purses and a place to put all my purses <3 <3 <3 LOVES IT.
Then Friday night me and Melissa and some other peeps all went out to Westport. I got SO DRUNK LOL!! I haven't been drunk in over a year, so it baffled me :-) GOOD ASS TIMES. We went to Dark Horse for their happy hour [8-10] so by 10 I was faded. I managed to sober up before the end of the night though cuz by the time we all went out to eat [like 2-ish] I was sober again :-) It baffled EVERYONE!! I'm just hella pimp like that I guess!!!
So yes, life is hella good. I've been doing pretty good at my working out and such for the past couple of weeks. I haven't worked out the past couple of days but that's cuz Friday was my birthday and yesterday I did all kinds of sleeping. I went to sleep at like 5 last night and woke back up at 8:30 this morning!!!! CRAZY-NESS. My phone kept waking me up at times in between my sleepy-ness, but I feel much rested :-)
SO YUP, life is good good ;-)
And as for the STUPID BOY that baffles the fuck out of me, I'm SO over it.. love him dearly, but if he's not man enough to buck up and adore ME, then he's not worth me :-) yup yup.
Okay, time to go play on Myspace for a minute.