Jan 22, 2010 23:58
It's been a while since we had a discussion thread, and I don't think we've ever talked about this in-depth, so here you go:
What do you think Grindelwald's family was like? I don't mean their nationalities, but rather what sort of people they were. We know a lot about Dumbledore's family background and how it shaped him, but we have few clues about Grindelwald's. We know that he was probably pureblood, or at least not Muggleborn, because we know from Goblet of Fire that Durmstrang doesn't admit Muggleborns. Did Gellert's parents share his views on Muggles? Or was he a rebel? Rich? Poor? An only child?
I think it's interesting that his trip to Godric's Hollow after his expulsion from Durmstrang is popularly interpreted as a punishment, whereas the book seems to imply that he went there of his own accord to seek the grave of Ignotus Peverell. There are a few other hints, but so much room for interpretation.