Jul 11, 2008 18:54
Day 3 - July 2
When we awoke around 8am. There were clouds over head, and a little drizzle still fell upon the tent. We strecthed and made a plan for the day. I called my friends to let them know where we were. Since our departure they have been worried and have wanted us to return to spokane. They envision us being attacked by courgers, grizzlies, and mountain people that are going to make us squeal like a pig. A few times they threaten to just start driving and find us.
AS we laid there it seemed like the rain subsided. I left the tent to see a wet landscape with some down branches from the storm the previous night. We started to pack up camp and then rain started again. We quickly throw up the tent again and jumped in with our things.
A few minutes later it quit again, the morning drifting away by the moment, and we needed to get started on the road. We were already a little beind schedule. So we packed up once again and started down hwy 2, we encountered a little tunnel with no shoulder, jsut a small walkway. We darted through as quick as we could trying to stay as close to the wall as possible in case a car came speeding down the roadway. Made it thur just in time as a semi came speeding along. After walking a bit we saw a sign for Skyvomish. We stopped just 3 miles shy of the small mountian town.
We entered the town over a bridge. There was lots of construction equiptment, detour signs, and men in hard hats. We snaked through town and found city hall. We entered a small building with a very open interior. We were greeted by a young lady in glasses. "We are from the positive steps project, I believe you have spoken to our media realtions team. "Yes", she replied, "but thought you would of been in yesterday" I explained due to the storm we took shelater, didnt relaize how close to the town we were at the time. She said the Mayor "Skip" was running about town, taking care of some business. We told her we would be over at the Cascadia Inn having some lunch and charging our phones.
As we walked over we watched the construction equiptment and the busy works. We noticed most of the town was up on stilts. We enter the Inn and was greeted by a group of older citizens. They asked why we had backpacks. I spent some time telling them about our project, our goals, and adventures we had thus far. They all were very receptive. The congrats us and told us how exciting this adventure will be for us.
We sat down and ordered lunch and took care of some busy work, me working my journal and mark ading up receipts. After lunch we headed back to town hall to meet with the mayor. We were walking up when she pulled up in her car. She was a little white haired lady. She invited us for a cup of coffee. When she sat she asked " So what is your story" We tell her of our project and travels and hopes. Then we asked her about the town, about what was with all the constructon? She explained there was a spill and they are going thur an EPA clean up that would last the next 5 years. That the soil had to be replaces and cleaned. Wow I explaimed. That is quite a project. After a few more pleasentries we asked if we could do a few photo ops with her. Then we had to hit the road again.
After Skyvomich their were no other towns until after Stevens Pass. We check in at the Ranger Station to let them know were were heading over the pass and asked for any advice and precautions. "Don't Camp near blueberries, the black bears are out in full force and that is one of their main staples" Oh my I think. Cougers, hermits, and bears Oh MY.
Well we started up the pass, we could tell a difference in the mountain. Our feet and backs ached as he climb up the incline of the pass. I watch the elevation signs, in a few miles we have gained over a 1000 feets. The sun begun to set as we neared the idex of the the pass. It was time for us to find a camp site for the eve. I noticed a little trail off the way so we explored it. We found a nice spot next to some small falls. We set up camp, and I try to lite a fire. All the wood was so wet it was impossible to get one going. So we settled in the tent for the eve. On my way to the tent I grab a large stick, weary of animals or mountain men from all the stories we have heard. The light faded and we were encompassed but the darkest dark I have ever seen. I laid trying to fall asleep i could here every little twig snap off in the distance. I thought about how this trip needs a service vehicle. On how I dont know if we can complete this trip with out an RV. How are we always going to fine a safe campsite. With thinking of the road ahead I finally drifted off to slumber.
positive steps,