I am about to rant on Video games. For those of you not interested, go elsewhere on the internet and maybe go look up how to make hang gilders out of clay.
I just can't believe it. With my own eyes I am witnessing the fall of mankind. Judas has been reborn, as Facebreaker? Ok, maybe that was resting on the mantle of the extreme...but this is just one giant middle finger to anyone who has ever played EA's Fight Night. I'm sure none of you know this story so let me try to paint you but a small picture.
After the Knockout Kings series,EA made Fight Night 1,2, and 3. Fight Night Round 3 was epic. They employed the realistic natrue of the boxing art. Instead of pushing buttons you had to move the right analog stick. You moved it left upwards, left side then up, and left down and up, For jab, hook, and uppercut. You moved the stick to the right in those three ways for the right jab, hook, and uppercut. You can lean the torso in a complete circle to simulate true boxing dodging dynamic. You can 3 different defensive hand positions in many different styles. The damage you did to the face, effects the player, swelling, bleeding and cuts, make regular punches hurt way more. You also had a stamina meter, which you had to use strategically or else you would tire out, become slower, sloppier, and take more damage. You also were the cutman in between fights!
As of the end of last year, EA closed EA Chicago studio. This was the studio team that made Fight Night. EA stated they weren't a profitable branch, or held up to EA's standards. What a load of total garbage that is! What standards are they not living up to? Oh like the standards for making the best boxing games of all time??? "Well Jesus of Nazareth refused to work as one of the EA chicago's programming team, and without that level of absolute perfection we had to shut them down." Maybe it was profits because they really only had one good game series in production, I dunno. All I know is Bob and I wept for days. My lament ran deep.
Now after shutting them down, they had to scramble what boxing game they would make. They just released a video for this polished turd
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/30460.html . It's an incalculable horror. Just look at it. No real boxers, All cartoony generic fighters, if that's what you can call them. I know there are alot of latin boxers, but none of them look or act remotely like this asshole. Look at the way he was hit, likes he's a Looney Toon. It's like all the character art design was copied right from Team Fortress. Maybe EA will change the title to Mickey Mouses Punchout Fun Jamboree. EA has all the sports liscenes, and this is what they're pinching off?? This is just a big F U to all fans of thier true boxing series.
And what might I ask is "May contain content innapropiate for children"? There is severe truth in that statement, since they will be staring directly in the face of the dark harbinger of epitomized failure.
And while I'm on this subject, I must thank EA for ruining Superman Returns. They made superman fly up to speeds of mach 4, and can freeze a city block with his ice breath, run at sound breaking speeds, lift anything, and have the heat vision to nuke a street, and then do absolutely nothing with it. The entire game is fighting random street encounters with robots, and lizard men. No missions, nothing different to do. Everyone once in a while you fight a boss, only after you beat up enough robots and lizards. What a total ass fest that was.
It's so hit or miss with EA, they can make something truly special, and then with the other hand they deliver a portrait of total human ruin.