Wow. This week is more of a drive-by week than a real "week" ...
Oh well.
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NEW LAYOUT. Still not too solved with the header image. I will probably look around my photos more, or photograph more, or look online for more ...
That photo right there was from Tagaytay Highlands, by the way. XD
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I've been having trouble getting up lately, because it's so cool in the morning. Adding to this is that I've been sleeping on time (like 9PM I'm already in my room preparing to sleep), which means there's less time for me to be online or watching videos and stuff.
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75 Signs You're A Bibliophile, and reading through nearly half I found myself to relating to just four. I guess I like reading but I'm not too much of an addict about it. The urge of a vein or two to pop does come with the mention of sparkly vampires though, I admit. Hahahahaha!
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So, this was basically a post to let you all know that I'm still alive.