I am finally done with the Event from Hell and I'm taking a breather to say Hello, World I'm still here also to post a few thoughts about some shows I've managed to watch despite my killer schedule.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles
I'm just going to call the show Sarah Connor Chronicles, since Terminator is pretty much a given. I love this series and the last three episodes were fantastic in how the character dynamics work. Also, I like how they broke away from Ellison being blind about the truth for a long time, I love that he's intelligent and open minded and willing to open himself up to possibilities. The final scene with the FBI tactical team falling into the swimming pool was fantastic.
It reminded me, visually speaking, of how Life handles violence.
Like other people I was surprised by Brian Austin Green's development as an actor and was really moved when Derek brought John to the park to meet his father. But the show really does belong to Cameron and Sarah. I love Headley's Sarah Connor although there are times, especially in the beginning when she's not as steely as I'd like her to be but by the end episodes she more than made up for it.
New Amsterdam
Ladies and gents, I finally have a show I can watch while Life and TSCC are in hiatus.
Ever since I first heard of the show and saw the actor I knew I'd like it, Immortal Detectives are something of a story kink for me and I've been hearing a lot of divided opinion about the pilot and decided to check it out for myself. I liked it, the dynamic between the partners does remind me off Reese and Crews but Eva is far less damaged than Reese and interestingly, Eva wants to be in Undercover Narcotics whereas Reese barely survived Undercover Narcotics.
I also liked that Amsterdam isn't as angsty as other immortals and honestly, its actually fun to have an immortal that isn't a vampire and can have children. What I liked about the second episode is when they tackled the problematic 'The One' premise by having other people confront John about it. It's also interesting that John can have children, it must be something to see them grow old and die every generation or is Omar the exception?
Also, to be honest, I don't think the doctor is John's 'The One'. In fact it would be amusing if John's One actively hated the idea.
And, yes, I did find the mystical Indian plot device troubling and usually I'm clueless about these things. But, hey, it's only a few episodes in and I'm sticking to my 'Don't Judge a Show by it's Pilot (or first few episodes)'.
Late but I dare not disobey the lovely
rosa_writes and because I fear her magic powers, here be meme:
Here's the deal: People who have been tagged post their answers and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse (well, I'm saying you can refuse if you really don't want to do it). These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you.
1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket - what do you do with it?
If we're talking about $50 to peso, I'd probably buy a whole lot of DVDs or books! Books are fun!
2. What is your most guilty pleasure?
Food. Food. Food. Food! Also, hey, did I mention? Food?
3.Have you ever seen someone die?
4.Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Frequently. I'm even confused to what lies... uh, behind me!
5.What was the last movie you saw, for pleasure, and would you recommend it?
For pleasure... um... wow, I can't remember, I think I tried to watch Terminator 1 and fell asleep in the middle of it but I do recommend T2!
6.Superman or Batman?
Can't I have both? Ask me years before I'd have answered, without hesitation, Batman but now with Smallville and reading a few comics on Superman I love them equally. But Batman's still so much more badass. Supes agrees.
7.If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
Nope. Nada, I've seen too many of my friends try that route and it only ends with badness.
8.If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Like they would say in Arrested Development people would say: No touching! No touching!
9.Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
Work is frequently unhappy making.
10.If you could have chosen at birth whether to be a boy or a girl, which would you be?
Girl, despite everything I think I'd still choose to be a girl. Because girls are awesome.
11.Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?
Huh. I think Greed, Sloth and Pride are the three things I always find myself contending with.
12.Thunderstorms - cool or scary?
Oh, thunderstorms are cool. It would be cooler if I can actually witness the light show.
13.Clinton or Obama?
Since I'm not American I can't participate in the elections but I'm finding myself to be more of an Obama person, it's not to say I dislike Clinton. Actually, I'm two of minds. I would love to see a woman president but Obama reminds me of Bartlet everytime he speaks.
14. Would you rather be a really good person or a really interesting person?
I think it's harder to become an interesting person and I'd certainly love to be an interesting person.
15. Do you believe in some form of life after death?
There are times that I do, there are times that I don't. Sometimes I lie awake at night and think 'what if this is it? there's nothing in the otherside and your life just-- ends into this none existence. Wow, morbid much?
I can tell you this, I believe there are such things as ghosts.
16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?
One? Just one? Can't I have them all? Oh, fine-- I'll have... Marshall of HIMYM, he's just such a big sweet, dork.
17. Best sex: rough and fast or slow and tender?
Oh, hey, this question well it has to be-- Look a three headed monkey!
18. Do you have a motto? If yes which one?
Right now it's 'Live Strong', I really like that motto.
19. What type of friends do you have?
Varied and funny and dorks in their own way. *hugs friends*
20. What place most speaks to you?
Anywhere it's quiet. There are just some days when being around too many people can be overwhelming and I just want to sit down in a quiet corner and regroup.
_hellosincerity There's a lot of speculation about the upcoming Doctor Who S4, honestly I'm not as excited about it yet, I can't even make myself finish Voyage of the Damned. I feel I'm not as invested on the show as I used to and some of the concerns I'm seeing around the Who fandom are things that I'm not really as concerned about. Maybe because Kemper and Whedon have trained me well or probably it has more to do with my being more of a Rose fan than a diehard Doctor/Rose shipper.
I know there will be heartbreak of some kind but I don't think it will lead to anything soul crushing, Doomsday was sad and it broke my heart but I wasn't that... crushed because as months moved on, I became convinced that having Rose in another universe is actually quite a good thing for writers because at that point her canon was, essentially, closed. We can do practically anything with Rose.
And since I've I find plotty, character driven gen stories more and more appealing than 'shippy' stories I began plotting (and still plotting) my Alt-verse epic which, with the upcoming Rose reunion will unfortunately be jossed.
Also, I've been staying away from Who fandom because I find I can't take the amount of vitriol both Rose and Martha fen have been spewing. I love Rose and I like Martha and like I keep saying I really don't get why some people need to put down both. Rose is not a perfect character, she's flawed. She can be selfish and petty but she can also be heroic and wonderful and enjoy the fantastic journey the Doctor offered and loved adventures and the traveling.
Martha is also as fantastic in her own way resourceful and brave with flaws of her own. But between the two I prefer Rose to Martha, it's not something I can explain properly but it's just how I feel and, well, I know this could be called as an unpopular opinion but I don't think Freema, as an actress, really grew into her role. There were some scenes she wasn't as believable as I'd like and sometimes I find that the actress who plays Tish upstages her. Especially when Tish and Martha are in the same room I find myself drawn to observe Tish's reactions more than Martha's. There's something about Tish's vulnerable, curious and spontaneous actions that drew me in.
There are some posts going around that prompted my quiet withdrawal from the fandom, not that I was really all that active to begin with but reading the posts has left me drained rather than joyful. I can't express how disturbed I am whenever I read someone post about their Rose and Martha hate. It would have been okay if it were limited to Who fandom, unfortunately, I've also encountered this character hate in other fandoms as well. Fans can generate an enormous amount of to a lot of characters (Lois, Lana and Buffy to name a few) and from what I've read about the SPN fandom I think it was wise that I stayed faraway and only perused the LJs of people I'm already familiar with.
Also can you believe some people actually hate Claudia Black? The mind, it boggles. It's just... Claudia Frelling Black, people! She's Aeryn Sun and... honestly, fandom just makes me want to throw my hands up in the air.
I am looking forward to is Donna's run as a companion because I really found her a fun character to interact with Ten, she's like a cross of Jackie and someone else. I bet Jackie and Donna would get along swimmingly. Also, since I haven't encountered Catherine Tate prior to her run as Donna I have no opinions about her coming in. Unlike Billie Piper, whom I knew as a bubblegum popstar and realized with astonished surprise that Billie could act.
As for the Doctor himself, I'm still in this weird place where I both resent him and like him. There are times where I find him insufferably smug and times where I cheer him on. Also, the sooner the writers admit to the New Who canon that the Time Lords aren't gods but flawed 'superior' alien race the happier I'll be. I think part of the reason why I'm disliking Ten is because New Who kept deifying the Time Lords. Honestly, it's why I love the audios. The Time Lords aren't perfect little aristocrats. They fuck-up, they gloriously and spectacularly fuck-up. It's why they engaged in the Time War in the first place, because of their paranoia and arrogance.
ETA: LJ codes fixed, argh... why do you hate me LJ?