For the longest time horror was my preferred reading. Then I discovered, truly discovered, urban fantasy. Oh sure, in high school I read Anne Rice but it is different than what I read now. My mom just happened to pick up the first book of the Harry Potter series for me to check out for the boys, she'd heard they were popular and the fourth book was about to be released. I laughed at her, since my boys weren't even in preschool yet let alone reading. It sat on my shelf, ignored, for a few months until I finally gave it a chance and fell in love. The next day I went out and bought the next three and devoured each, one right after another. Every year was a long wait for the next book but at midnight, I was in line to get the next installment. I'd read them all repeatedly and at the end of the series I needed something else. I went back to horror but it just didn't hold the same appeal as it once did. Sure I found some great stories but more often than not, I was left flat. One someone's suggestion I picked up Twilight and grabbed a few other books. Twilight sat on my shelf forever because, although it sounded interesting, I was a grown woman with children and wasn't eager to read a 'young adult' novel. By the time I'd bothered to pick it up, Eclipse was already available for sale but there wasn't the insanity surrounding the books. If there had been, I probably never would've read it. But, I did. I called my date for the evening and told him I wasn't feeling well. We made plans to go out the next evening instead. I stayed up late so that I could finish Twilight and the next morning, I drove 30 miles to the nearest bookstore and was ecstatic to find New Moon and Eclipse. I canceled my date, again, and read them both before I went to sleep. Fast forward months to the release of Breaking Dawn. Midnight release, met some relatively sane fans and got my much anticipated copy. Once I get the final book of the series, I have closure. I haven't read Harry Potter since my reading of Deathly Hallows. I haven't read Twilight since my reading of Breaking Dawn. I couldn't go back to horror after that, although I have tried. So, I had to do some searching. Since then I found others. I mostly read urban fantasy, some steampunk adventures, and the rare paranormal romance. I have issues with my book buying but I just can't help it when there are so many awesome stories out there. I wonder, were these kind of stories out there when I was younger? Did I just never see them because they were over in the fantasy section?