Jan 31, 2007 21:35
Had the day off work today. woke up around 0500, with the worse headache/migrane i've ever had, hot and cold sweats, throwing up, the works. Mel decided to stay home and help me out, which was good. Went to the doc feeeling a bit better, got something to help with the feeling sick part, had some blood taken my bp was high, so will be going back next week to find out if anything is wrong.
Worsk work, too friggin hot, trying to up the water, but finding i need more gaterade or powerade to keep going. Am working this saturday, as i need the overtime. I'll get around $240 for the day, work from 0600 to 1400. I'm going to get pauly and a few others together to go bowmling on sunday, or to see a movie.
Ran a gen resc ex on monday night, was a "Preserve a Crime Scene". worked the troops hard, but i think they enjoyed it. will find out on monday night when we have the debrief.