(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 10:16

Welp, here's the present situation as it presents itself:

Still single, have longsince stopped looking or pining or whatever. Yeah, relationships are just a big pain in the ass right now anyways and the whole career thing is too important. Should something come around, I'll evaluate it when the time comes. Till then, forget it.

The job aspect right now is completely been thrown on its head (top ten reasons why I DIDN'T want to contact the family until I had it secured....) Turns out that they decided they want to freelance me until January. So not only are they paying me shitty, they're now going to freelance me till Jan-Feb. I have to drive up to them AGAIN this coming Thursday to do a third interview, in which I think at this point I'm going to stuff it in their face and be like "No thank you. if you cannot offer me permanence right now, I don't want to bother because its wasting my time. There's no garuntee that I have you hiring me on January 15th. Therefore I could be just doing freelance permanently, and that's not going to work for me. On top of that you're not paying me enough to survive in this area."

I'm tired. So very, very tired. And I know I can't give in and be like "Well fuck it, Screw it all and I'll continue to live at home till something better comes along." Because home's driving me absolutely nuts. Its a definite I need to be out of New Jersey as soon as humanly possible. On top of that I need to pay down my bills from the conventions (which are HUGE in comparison to the amount of money made...course it doesn't help when you're the one paying for most of the stuff.)

But whatever. at least we got the name out and people visiting the site.

Color me tired, annoyed, and overall just really not fucking caring anymore.
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