Mar 08, 2005 10:44
So alot of stuff has happened. I learned to stay away from bitches that like metallica and eat at Zabros. Flying V was too young, beer bottles didnt fit. Though i imagine that in a few years they will...
I like being a part of the path to destruction, and leading people in that direction with open arms..good stuff. I think K-ros likes being a part of the path too, and i discovered shes a good boxer.
In other news i quit my job, they wont miss me and i wont miss them. Good clean surgical seperation - now i need somewhere to work... probably should have thought of that first. I was tired of the b/s though, evidently family members are worth more to management then a real hard working employee. I can always sell my body to the night.
Kelly is trying to buy me a "collar" to brand me as hers, i think thats