Feb 21, 2013 13:07
Just when I thought I knew America..
Those of you who know me also know that I love languages. My favorite one is British English. I think it’s the most beautiful language in the world. It was the first foreign language I learnt so it will always have that special place in my heart.
I miss it here in the States. I try not to pick up an American accent but it sure creeps in. I literally suffer when I’m forced to say “a cup of hUt tea please” or “cUffee” instead of coffee - in order for a waiter to understand me (though to be fair here in Texas one will be better off speaking Spanish to the waiters).
So I was happy to watch a British film the other day just to listen to the music of British English. “Bridget Jones Diary”. I didn't know that I was in for a big surprise.
Allow me to explain.
Bridget Jones is one of my favorite comedies. Yes it is a “simplified version of “Pride and Prejudice”, yes the main idea of Pride and Prejudice is left out, but it’s a funny, hilarious at times, brilliant and oh-so-true movie!
So in the past I watched it a few times already so I do remember what the actors are saying and when. Sure I expected every f-word to be bleeped, that’s normal for a movie shown on TV here. But instead they got creative and replaced not just f-words but whole sentences and scenes with something they thought to be more appropriate.
Here’re few examples:
“Gherkin” was replaced with “a pickle on a toothpick”
“Alsatians” - “wild dogs”
“Blow-job” - back rub J
Limerick about a “Lady from Ealing” (Keats btw!) - gone completely.
Word “Christ” - gone (original “Christ, is that a blue soup?” turned into “Is that a blue soup?”)
But the one that sent me over the edge was this:
“His wife was Japanese - very cruel race” was replaced with “His wife was Japanese - very cruel lady”.
When I talked to a work colleague about it she said: “Well of course, otherwise Japanese will sue the TV channel”. Hm.. Then I was trying to make a joke and said that it would be like filing a law suit against any piece of art, like, against David because he’s standing naked out there in Florence in Italy J I thought that was funny. But my colleague kept a straight face and told me that in fact there’re no naked statues in public places in the US as far as she knows! Only in museums or other places where you have to pay for entrance and children are not allowed without parents!
And I thought I knew America pretty well..