Apr 18, 2006 21:47
Phase one in my work plans to destress was successful. Phase two appears to have been hijacked by some rogue phase that includes getting sucked into a yelling match with a colleague in front of my minions. There are two in the room that have worked with me in the past that say they haven't seen me yell like that since I was being yelled at by an ex-drill sargent. Attempts to try and smooth things over later made things even worse. I feel a bit odd even posting about this since workmates and ex-workmates read this, but at the end of it all it's hard to weigh whether I was more hurt than personally offended.
It reminds me of a phrase I read recently: "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." I read an article today about how way too many people are self-medicating themselves with alcohol, but nothing seems more appropriate tonight than to consume some Old No 7.
More disturbing is I learned of a song today, this song is supposedly a 'hit'. The title of this song -
'Honky Tonk Badonkadonk'
My apologies to any country music fans out there, but this is the most troubling thing that has happened to me today.