Sep 16, 2004 06:06
For those of you who have read the last message posted into this journal, which of course, is totally bogus, because the point of keeping a journal is lay out your ideas and feelings in a private way to help you collect your thoughts,without undo recrimination or jeering, should know that nothing has been set in please relax and wait for me to tell you what is going ojn for real...ease up on the know i love you and would never just up and leave without saying anything to you. You had me at hello.... i don't work without complete
now that that is out of the way.......let me tell you what i did tonight.....i went to the lecherous den known as Turning Stone Casino.....and i WON!!!! WAHOO!!!! that i am closer to being out of the hole, no where near completely out, but closer, i can maybe afford some stale bread and a cup of some ramen noodle soup to keep from starvinbg to i am only kidding....i eat very well lori, i promise. although i have been losing weight again. but i must rest... the sun i coming out now. goodnight kiddo.