(no subject)

Nov 21, 2012 22:52

I spent all day ushering my students around and smiling into the flashing abyss as we took preschool graduation photos.  It's a bit ridiculous of an affair where the students take a large group photo with both teachers, small group (2-3) pictures, and individual and awkwardly posed pictures with me all in uniform.  Then they all take photos in a "graduation" gown, a "formal" gown/tux, and a casual outfit.  Between 11 students in Kitten class and 10 students in Rabbit class, this took from 10am until 1:30pm so there was very little time for actual lessons so we had to cram in what we could at the end.  But we did do plenty of practice of script memorization for their Christmas play, which is in... 2.5 weeks.  The entire thing has been very rushed, apparently a month less of practice than the students had last year.  We're cutting out a lot of the lesson time to get them ready, and luckily most of them are getting it down pretty well.

I wrote two versions of an Alice in Wonderland play, where each student has the same number of lines so the parents don't complain. I should actually be searching for music for that right now, since the Disney music I tried using is way too fast for them.  We're also doing a song concert in addition to the musical- the Glee version of Don't Stop Believin.  Which is seriously adorable.  We wanted to do Dancing Queen which was apparently too "sexy" but then another class is doing Wannabe by the Spice Girls and THAT'S not too sexy.  But whatever /o/  I'll be glad once all this is over and we can relax for the final few months before the end of the semester.

It's that time of year again where my parents are asking me what I want for Christmas.  I bought them plenty of assorted things to send home, but I have absolutely no idea what to ask for in return.  Money is such a cop out, and I know they want to do something more personal than that since I haven't even seen them since they visited Korea in the summer.  Clothes are out of the question, there's also really no electronics I want (and I hate dealing with power converters anyway)... Food is nice but I really don't like that as a gift either.  Even gift cards wouldn't really work here.  I really hate being in this slump because I know "anything" and "money" are frustrating answers to hear.

Also I think I somehow lost my fur earmuffs.  Time to go tear my apartment apart while Watson gnaws at my feet.
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