Nov 08, 2007 20:45
I am totally stressed off my head right now.
I'm trying to start to write my reports earlier this semester, but I'm finding it hard to organise all the assessment I've done as well as coordinate the assessment I need to do. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong in this job.
Also, yesterday, Garry cornered me about my VIT registration, which I have been avoiding talking to him about. I approached the idea of me finishing the paperwork this term and doing the final panel and paperwork in Term 1 and he said no. He wants it out of the way and finalised. Last night I was a fucking mess, trying to work out how on earth I was going to find the time to do that AND my reports ... and hey ho, that whole teach a class of 25 kids something and actually plan a weeks work. In the end I didn't sleep a lot, but pretty much decided that I can't have a life and my rule of no work on weeknights (weekends only) would have to end and even then I was still fucked.
Garry and I had another chat today, which he said so long as he sees what I've done by the end of this Term, he'll let me do the panel in Term 1 next year. He said that he basically didn't want it hanging over my head, and to be honest, I feel the same way. I was going to try and get it all done over the last lot of school hols, but was sick. Actually, I'm STILL sick - it hasn't gone away and I'm getting all blocked up and sore again. Regardless, it's a pretty average situation when one's mentor (who is supposed to guide me through the process of registration) says over a beer that they feel they've let me down. I've a feeling that Garry must have spoken to Ian (mentor) about it, which is why he changed my mind.
I'd love to get it done this Term ... but I can't see it happening. I'm getting through it, but my time is just so much of a factor. And given just how bloody long reports took last semester, I'm freaking out. I'm glad he's changed his mind, although I'm not totally sure why. I just don't want him to think that I'm lazy or not worth the effort.
Also, there is a teacher's strike at the end of the month ... I want to go on strike but I'm not sure how it will be perceived by the school community (including the other staff). I would hate to be the only one to go out and also don't want people thinking bad of me. And, to be honest, it's not like I would actually go to the rally in the city. I'd probably laze around, sleep in and get the windows tinted on the Civic. I'm going to talk with Mr. Millennium Falcon (5/6 teacher and union rep) tomorrow and see if I would be the only one going out. I think he would strike as well, but I doubt he'd go the the rally either - too far to the city. Plus, I've never been on strike before. Ever.
I get the new car on Saturday, finally. The manager down there rang me today to let me know that everything is on schedule for Saturday. Which basically means that they got their money and my cheque cleared. I'm looking forward to that, but I'm also very sad about trading in the old girl. I'm really going to miss her.
As I had to organise everything else for the new car, I gave Dave the task of finding somewhere to get the windows tinted, because Honda wanted to charge $600 for it. He has done research and I think still doesn't have much of an idea what the best go is. So long as it looks sexy, cuts out the heat (I'm not willing to leave skin behind on the leather seats) and isn't a rip off, I'm happy. Not hard, really.
Anyway, I've rambled a plenty. I'm going to have a shower and get my stuff out for school tomorrow. I'm running a robotics club on Friday's and I'm loving it. I'm trying to find a grant for next year so we can buy some of our own and run the program year round. I really like Fridays at the moment.