Here we go!

Apr 23, 2010 10:02

This is the actual link to the pic of my hair; sorry for the LinkFail earlier.

Umm, quick update before breakfast and housework: Vegas was amazing! My TwitPic account (where the link above takes you) has lots of photos from the trip, especially of the conservatory at the Bellagio. Oh my gods, it is breathtaking. And the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. So much fun!

We're officially in the apartment (woohoo!), and we have internets again! I still need to set up my desktop, but The Lappy is a good stopgap.

Went to a store meeting with my new crew the other day, and I'm going to love working with these guys. They're a ton of fun, the management really seems to want to take care of its people (the store manager asked the existing team, 'How many of you are happy with your current schedule? Those of you who are not happy, what can we change to make it better?' Amazing.), and they don't require hats! Yay!

You know, I saw several comments on some internet article saying, "Psh, everybody hates their job and gets treated crappily at work. It's called *life,* dumbass. Welcome to the real world."

I'm gonna have to disagree with these poor, deluded jerkwads. No, not everybody gets treated like shit at their jobs - people with awful jobs tell themselves that, and try to convince other people of the idea, because if they accepted the possibility of having a good job that makes you happy, they'd have to actually change their lives up a little and get a new job, and they're much happier feeling like it's out of their hands, everybody feels like this, it's just life, nothing they can do about it. That sort of mindset requires no effort whatsoever, no sense of adventure, no embracing of change or the unknown. That mindset only requires you to accept your awful shift bid and grudgingly go to work so that you can afford to drink with your friends and talk about how horrible your job is.

Now, we all complain about work. I know I do. Stress is, in fact, a part of life. But in general, I love my job. I like talking to people, I like slinging coffee, I like getting full benefits for working part time, and I like having a schedule that lets me take some of the housework load off my boyfriend while he works long hours, and one that lets me make extra cash on the side and start up my cleaning biz. It's a good life. I sometimes feel compelled to complain about my coworkers, or shitty customers, but the job itself? Nah, that I actually do like, and nine days out of ten, I'm happy I went to work.

So hating your job and resenting the fact that you work there is not, in fact, 'just life.' I'm proof of that. Yeah, change is hard, and sacrifice is sometimes harder, but what are you sacrificing? Money for the sake of happiness? The Dalai Lama says we should have a balance between material and spiritual wealth. As scary as it sounds, sometimes it's a lot better to be poor and happy. I understand working an awful job to support your family, or take care of a loved one - my mom did that for years. But it was worth it to her, because it meant her kids got health insurance and new shoes, so putting up with the BS of a lousy shift and office politics balanced itself out by seeing her kids taken care of. If that's your life, then that's awesome, and I admire your selflessness. That's a great thing, sacrificing part of your happiness for the greater reward of knowing that your children are provided for. But if it's just you, and you could very well be doing something else that actually makes you happy, then why the hell aren't you floating your resume and at least seeing if a job offer comes along for something you'd actually enjoy? Don't be unhappy on purpose. That's just dumb. One day you'll be dead, and until that day happens, you should be working on being happy. Anything else is just a waste of those days.

Right, I've rambled enough. Time for the to-do list!

-Floors! Gods, the moving dust is epic.

-Set up computer/clean up desk area.

-Pick up prescription, and probably some veggies for supper.

-Maybe...just maybe...write a cleaning post? Dare I say it???? I feel bad for neglecting the blog lately, but moving and the vacation just sapped all my free time, and of course lack of internets makes things difficult. But here I am, so I may work on a post today. It may not be the one I talked about in the last post, but I'll try to put something out there.

So, since I've been unplugged lately and relying on Twitter to keep up with people, comment and let me know if anything fun or exciting's been going on! Oh, and happy Friday!

philosophy, pictures, hair, travel

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