dan and coincidence

Feb 11, 2008 01:05

i went to tom early's birthday party last night in london, and it was so awesome. he has super super cool friends. they're all laid back and musicy and actory. there was this one guy...and heck, this is a story...he was standing at the bar, so i said, "so, how do you know tom?" and he said he went to Aschombe with him. So i said, "no way, you should know hitesh then?!" (my cousin), and he did! i insured dan that i was cooler than hitesh, but later, we were talking about the weather. and he said, "yeah it was great today, i was at richmond park, i live in roehampton..." and i said "NO WAY i went to uni there". turns out he did too, he graduated at the same time as me. then we started talking about smoking, and quitting smoking and all that, and hypnosis came into the question...and naturally, derren brown. it turns out this guy was at the very same derren brown audition that i went to. he was the one that fell straight to the floor when derren went to shake his hand, and he was the one in the lift that was nervous and we were both equally unsure about whether we wanted to be there. then later, at dinner, he was having this conversation with someone else about indian food being different in india than it is in curry houses and stuff...and he mentioned he had this hare krishna friend, and i said "you are NOT talking about YAMUNAH!" HE WAS!!! I studied spanish with her, she is So coooool. so, holy shit. 5 ways i could have got to know him: through hitesh, through tom visiting at uni, through derren brown, through yamunah...and we just happen to meet completely randomly. we'll probably never meet again, but i was overwhelmed with the way the world works. there has to be a god. if not a man sitting on a cloud, an Energy. a destiny. a ball of circumstance. it cannot be that this has happened purely due to coinkidnky.

also, his girlfriend wears odd socks and apparantly every time she wears even socks she goes to hospital!

i wear odd socks.
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