What Type Of Faerie Are You? (8 detailed answers + anime pics)
The Faerie that you represent is the Dopkalfar, or Dark Elf. You dwell within dark and evil woods and are gifted in Dark Magic. Dark and maternal, you live with the other Dark Elves but really keep to yourself and your own inner demons.Color: Dark GreenMetal: TinTime: MidnightElement: EarthAttribute: DarknessCourt: Unseelie (Evil) Court
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Grab Code What Spirit Is Following You? (5 detailed answers + anime pics)
The spirit that follows you is the Demon. Dark and alone, you are easy prey for the Demon. They feast upon lonely souls who are prone to depression. Slowly, they steal your soul as they whisper words of malice into your ear, making you fall deeper into the darkness and into their eager hands.
Color: Black
Element: Darkness
Gemstone: Onyx
Emotions: Lonely and Depressed
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Grab Code Who Are You Within Your Soul? (5 detailed answers + awesome pics)
Within your soul, you are a pessimist. Always looking at the bad side of things, the world is a dark and hurtful place to you. You may be lonely or paranoid about those around you. To you, everything is made to cause pain, and you have been inflicted to too much of it.
Color: Black
Element: Darkness
Herb: St. John's Wort
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Grab Code Who Is Your Guardian Angel? (7 detailed answers + anime pics + music)
Uriel. Uriel is the angel of fiery creativity. He inspires inner clairvoyance and strengthens your psyche. Word of advice: use Uriel's guidance in order to strengthen your creative abilities.
Your Angel
Emotions: Devotion, Peace, and Ministration
Color: Red
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